
Beauty Whipped

In conversing with a group of 20 something men and women the idea of being D-whipped (or “adDICted” as I like to call it) came up. Inevitably one of the ladies made the comment “Don’t act like any of you guys haven’t been Kitty Whipped!”

I thought about it for a second but then realized that I don’t think I have ever actually been Kitty Whipped. Though I’ve experienced some MAGNIFICENT snack cakes in my life, none have made me “jump out the window” or otherwise act outside of my character.

What has though?

A woman’s attractiveness, purely aesthetically. It has been plenty of times I have been “Beauty Whipped” meaning I’ve dealt with more BS than usual from a woman because she was more attractive.

Have you ever been D-Whipped/Kitty Whipped? Have you ever been Beauty Whipped? Which one is worse?



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