
First Date Turn-Offs

We’ve ALL had those first dates that go left from the word go. So I think its best for all if we create some universal things men and women should avoid when meeting a person for the first romantic encounter.


Extreme Tardiness:

Hey, traffic sucks. We all have bosses that give us tasks late in the day. I get it. We all get it. But making your date wait 45 mins +? You deserve to get left and to never hear from that date again.

Excessive drinking beforehand or during:
Showing up smelling like a college dorm on a wild Saturday? Nah slim. Getting sloshed to the point you have to be taken care of? Never hearing from that date again should be the LEAST of you’re worries.


Spending too much conversations on your ex’s:
I had a woman do this to me. I’ve never taken her anywhere or looked at her romantically again.

Bad hygiene/grooming:

Hey….we’re out in public here. Someone may see us. TIGHTEN UP!


Being on your phone the entire night:
I’ll probably just text, IG, twitter, or Facebook you what your half of the bill is and contact someone who is interested in spending quality time with me.


Unloading all of your problems, inadequacies, or stresses:
Hey, I just met you. But you sound crazy. Delete my number. And see a shrink maybe?


Knowing every member of the opposite sex in the building:
Now this one may not be a problem for everyone but if I’m out with a woman and she hugs 3+ guys or they come over to our table to talk or they otherwise make it known that they have some dealings with my date, I’m definitely turned off. Damn shorty, you suuuurrrreee know a lot of guys (0_o)



Finally, just being BORING:
Hey, I didn’t invite you out or come out to be bored. I also didn’t come out dance around like a monkey for your entertainment. We’re here to get to know each other first, but even if there is no romantic spark, I think we’d both agree we’d rather have a fun time with our few hours together. Otherwise it would’ve been better to have stayed home. Lets come with a make the best of it attitude and be down to have a good time and ADD to the good time.


Now my list is by no means comprehensive. PLEASE add on your personal pet peeves.



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One Comment

  • BridgeHarrison

    Things like you’re restaurant preferences I don’t know if they can be considered legitimate first date turn off.

    Yeah maybe if your date takes you to McDonald’s when he or she led you to believe this would be a more formal outing…I can see that. But if you just happen to despise Benihana’s for some reason completely unique to you you can’t expect him to just know that and account for it in planning your outing.

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