
In His Feelings

So I’m having a conversation with vlogger, spiritual gangster, and women’s lifestyle expert Teneice Bowie about her dating life and she tells me this story. I told her that I’d be in my feelings if I was the guy in this scenario:


I usually rack and stack men (just like yall do women). It’s very clear who is in 1st place and so on. This particular guy, (we’ll call him LOAF) I’ve known for years but since we both got divorced he swears he’s the one for me…meanwhile…he is out with women…not even trying to be my #1…we haven’t gone on a single date. Soooo I go out with him as a friend to a day party…meet his boy. I mean LOAF and I weren’t boo’d up in the spot…he was talking to women and buying them drinks and everything. So I danced with his friend the entire time. The friend smoothly put his phone in my hand to add my number…was I supposed to say, “Sorry, I’m friends with your friend so I can’t”?! WTF does that look like? If I’m single, my loyalty is to me, not to you if you aren’t doing what you ought to be doing to make me un-single. The friend, after talking to me…taking me out…having candles and sh*t lit when I got to his house….having my drink of choice ready….and giving me like an hour massage (oh he was working) got to smash. LOAF doesn’t know that I went or smashed. He’s just mad that I took the friend’s number. Basically LOAF feels like he should have been first in line…umm no. There is no rule about that. Soooo he called me and cursed me out about it yesterday.”



I told her that dude loafed buttttttttt I could still see him kirking out on her for this scenario. Personally I wouldn’t have called and cursed her out (I’m too kool for that sh*t) but I would’ve just not messed with her anymore at all. All out interaction would be deaded. If you know Im trying to get at you, I invite you out, and you cold mack my homie I’d have nothing but ill feelings for you left. What do yall think?


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One Comment

  • Keith Zig Ziglar Jenkins

    Yooo, the only dude he should be mad at is himself. He wasn’t serious about trying to beat, if he was he woulda made sure no one was dancing with you all day. Secondly, once he noticed that, he should have stepped his game up, and went hard. How he gonna get mad after he practically put you with his homie. What kinda clowns are out here in these streets nowadays? These niccas should only be so lucky I’m not able to embarrass their lack luster efforts with women.

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