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I Say Church!

So I met up with this guy for breakfast for our first date. Conversation seemed cool, but then we took a quick pause to determine our menu selections. He was very into fitness, so he said, and scoured the menu to make certain that he was getting the healthiest option.

He had a bit of a puzzled look on his face while reading the menu and then said:

Him: What’s an ED MAIM?
Me: I’m sorry. What are you referring to? Point to it. [He points] OH! That’s edamame [eh-duh-MAH-may]

I tried to refrain from laughing, but I couldn’t help but let out a little chuckle. Shortly thereafter, that same puzzled look returned to his face.

Him: What is a GLOO-TAWN?
Me: You’re joking right?
Him: Nah, it’s all over the menu. Gloo-tawn free.
Me: [OMG how are you 40 years old and you can’t read? F-my-life!] Gluten…the word is gluten [ɡluːtən]

I tried to change the subject to something that would require him to NOT read, so I did a second take on his attire [this guy was wearing some fancy gold cross chain with EVERYTHING Gucci…hat, shirt, shorts, belt, shoes] and complimented him on his outfit. I then switched the conversation to the tattoos on his neck [I hadn’t noticed them at first]. One of the tattoos was of a bible verse and other said something like God Is Love. I asked him if he was very religious and into church [which was by far the dumbest line of questioning that I could have ever asked anyone on a first date] and things quickly went downhill.

Me: So which church do you attend?
Him: I don’t go to church.
Me: Oh. Why?
Him: Because all pastors are crooks….steal the money and use it to buy houses and cars. Then they be talking about negative stuff. Like they’re talking down to me and I ain’t trying to hear all of that. Church is supposed to uplift.
Me: I think you’re going a bit overboard. I know that there are a lot of pastors who have stolen and wronged their congregation, but that doesn’t mean that all pastors are that way. And if you feel that a pastor is talking down to you, then consider finding a new church OR perhaps that’s an area of your life that needs fixing/correcting. The truth hurts.
Him: Then they have all of their luxury cars, mansions, and etc.
Me: I think you watch a little too much TV and besides, why shouldn’t a pastor have nice things?
Him: Because they shouldn’t.
Me: Why not? If he worked for it, he should be compensated accordingly. You have a job right? You work overtime right?
Him: Yeah
Me: Should you not be compensated for the hours you put in on your job? Pastors are almost always on the job even after Sunday service ends. Not only do they have to constantly prepare to deliver multiple sermons. They are also called on by any and everyone for any and everything under the sun from people seeking advice, needing help, and etc. My pastor cannot even enjoy dining out with his family without interruption and he has sacrificed a LOT of his personal and family time to deliver God’s word. So I have no problem with him having anything nice because he earned it.

I was becoming a bit agitated, but our food finally arrived [hallelujah] and I scarfed it down so that I could get the heck out of this date. We said our goodbyes and he walked me to my car. I watched him walk over to his car and what does he get into? A corvette! A frikin corvette! LMBO!
This guy who works 40-60 hours a week to earn his money, with his head to toe Gucci outfit, and flashy gold chain hops into a corvette, but takes issue with a pastor who works 24/7/365 having nice things…Interesting! LMBO


Let this be a lesson to you…Do NOT talk about church or religion on a first date!


I Set Myself Up For Failure
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