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Armored Car Guy

So I was working at the bank handling the money deliveries when I noticed that we had a new armored car guy, we’ll call him ACG.  My jaw dropped because that man was F-I-N-E.
ACG came by my branch once a week to do his money deliveries and of course I always greeted him with a smile coupled with intense eye-batting. lol On one particular occasion, ACG came to my window and passed me a note [Caution: for safety purposes, NEVER pass a teller a note at a bank] with his number on it telling me to call him.  So, of course, I called him few days later and he asked me out. [YAY!]

ACG picked me up and we went sightseeing in DC. We walked and talked for hours…the conversation and the laughter flowed [I’m a sucker for a man who can make me laugh], so I was very pleased [and giddy! lol] because it seemed like a good fit. Nothing was forced and the chemistry was natural.

As the night came to a close, ACG took me home and the night ended with a hug. I was hoping for a kiss, but figured that magic moment would happen on a future date.  I went inside my house glowing from the great date when I got a phone call from ACG.  The conversation went like this:

Him: “I’m on my way back.”

Me: “Why”

Him: “Because I forgot something”

Me: “What did you forget?”

Him: “To give you a kiss goodnight.”

[Insert me fainting & fireworks sound effect! lol]

So I got my goodnight kiss and it was AMAZING! I went to bed with a HUGE smile on my face and looked forward to hanging with ACG again.

I spoke with ACG the next day thanking him for a wonderful time and mentioned that I looked forward to seeing him again soon….As I expected/hoped, we made arrangements for date #2, which was set to take place the following week.

A few days prior to date #2, I kept getting calls/hangups in the middle of the night [around 2:30 am] from ACG.  I was none too pleased because 1) I don’t like anybody interrupting my sleep, especially during the work week, 2) we weren’t cool enough for him to be calling me that late at night, and 3) he kept hanging up. [Who the eff does that?]

I called ACG the next day during normal ‘human’ hours to figure out why the hell he kept calling me at some 2:30 in the morning AND hanging up.  He apologized profusely and stated “It wasn’t me. It was my son’s mom.” I was confused because although I knew he had a child from his previous relationship, I was not quite grasping how & why his ex would be calling me from his phone at that time of morning.  So, I asked “Do y’all live together or something?” and he said “yeah.”  Anger set in instantly and I said “MOTHER F***ER, YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!”  He tried to calm me down by giving me the BS “we’re not together” line, but his excuses were no match for my wrath.  I cursed him the hell out and told him to never call me again AND to not even make eye contact with me when he comes back to my bank to do his deliveries.

As expected, ACG came back to my bank looking like a sad puppy when he made his deliveries.  He tried to make amends and went so far as to leaving apology notes on my car outside of my job, but I never spoke to nor took any of his calls since I told him to eff off bid him farewell.


Ain’t That Some Sh*t

P.S. I ran into ACG last year at a bar and guess what he was wearing? A WEDDING band. Lol! ACG didn’t recognize me at first (so he said) since our little incident/encounter was a few years ago, but I did learn that he married his son’s mom. I just hope he’s being faithful to her.

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