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So I exchanged numbers with this guy and, during our initial chat, I learned that he lived about 4 hours away.  [Damn!] We kept in touch in spite of the distance and spoke fairly regularly .

He came to town within the following weeks and we had the absolute BEST time.  We went to a number of bars in the city (kind of like a bar crawl) and danced the night away. I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life.  It felt great to just go out and have some good old-fashioned fun….nothing planned or pretentious.  [This dude might be a keeper!]  Eventually, the clock struck midnight [Cinderella reference…it wasn’t really midnight] and it was time for us to part ways until we’d meet again.  

Fast forward a month or two

I was hosting a get together with friends at my place on a Saturday night. My long distance beau, let’s call him LD, reached out to me a couple of days prior stating that he was coming to town that same weekend. [YAY!] I let him know that I was having a get together that weekend and inadvertently invited him to join the fun. [SH*T!Now I thought LD was cool and all, but it was too early to tell where things were gonna go between us and I didn’t really like bringing new folks around my friends. So, I was kind of kicking myself for mentioning the get together to him, but didn’t want to renege on the offer.

Saturday is here!

LD was in town and I couldn’t wait to see him.  He took the train to town and was staying with family.  His family wasn’t too far away, so I offered to pick him up.  I pulled up to the house and was so excited, but the smile instantly dropped from my face as he walked toward the car.  Why? Because he looked a damn mess.  This dude’s hair was all the way F*CKED UP!  No shapeup, no shave, no trim, NOTHING in sight.  He looked like a damn caveman. 



I hugged LD and tried to play off my disappointment, but he could tell that something was wrong.  I tried to keep the peace during the car ride to my place, but LD broke the ice. 

Him: Everything ok? You seem upset.

Me: Look, I’m not trying to hurt your feelings, but your hair…it’s ummm.

Him: Oh, I’ve been meaning to hit the barbershop.  Been kinda busy

Me: Well there’s no time like the present. My barber is right down the street from my house.
Him: Nah, I’m good.
Me: (I started laughing) Nah, you’re not good. There’s no way I’m going to introduce you to my friends looking like that. Sorry. I just can’t do it.

Although he was very reluctant to do so, I drove LD to the barbershop and introduced him to my barber. He went along with it, but I could tell he was not all that thrilled about it [I kind of didn’t care a whole lot though, which is terrible]. He was concerned that the barber would jack up his hair [men are very finicky about their barbers and rightfully so].  I was somewhat sympathetic to his angst, but at the end of the day, his hair was already jacked up, so anything a barber would do would be an improvement in my opinion.  The good thing is that my barber did his thing and LD looked GREAT.  LD said he liked it, so I figured all was cool.

My friends eventually came over and everyone including LD had a good time.   He left the next day and I didn’t hear from him anymore after that! Uh oh! I guess I crossed the line! Lol



Is He Mad Or Nah?


What would you do in this situation? Was she out of line? Did she mess up a good thing? Was she too shallow? Fellas, would you show up to a woman’s house looking a mess? Would you allow a woman to take you to the barbershop? How important is appearance to you?

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