So I met this chick in college through a mutual friend, let’s call her Cray. Me, Cray, my (guy) friend, and her (girl) friend hung out one night. We hit it off immediately….we could feel a strong connection. We ended up seeing each other again because I accidentally held onto her keys after a night of drinking. We went on date number one after I returned her keys and had a really nice time. Conversation was great…we just
So I took the day off of work to volunteer to feed the less fortunate. There were four teams of about 40 people each and my team handled the far east wing of the lunch service. During my service time, I was partnered with a guy, let’s call him Donald for the purpose of this post (not his real name). He was on stuffing and I was on potatoes. [I freaking love potatoes!] We
So it was fashion show weekend and it was a sort of a big deal at my school for the black population since it was one of the few events hosted for and by black students at my predominately white institution. We were expecting to have visiting sorors [translation: sorority sisters] and bruhs [translation: fraternity brothers], so the plan was to go to the fashion show, followed by the after party, and then to set out [translation:
So I was on my lunch break minding my business trying to order me a sammich (translation: sandwich) at the local grocery store and then this chick rolled up on me (translation: she approached me while I was standing in line). She was short, thusky (translation: thick but not all the way husky, yet she was half a sandwich away from being full-blown husky) with six feet of brazilian wavy, yaky or whatever the hell
Online Ticketing for Be Mine Game Night Social powered by Eventbrite Aren’t you tired of doing the same old thing for Valentine’s Day? Why spend 3 times as much for the same boring menu at a restaurant when you can join us for the Be Mine Game Night Social to play games (Taboo, Charades, etc.), drink, and SOCIALIZE? Get your tickets TODAY! Singles AND Couples Welcome! Advance sales! NEW LOCATION!!!!! NEW LOCATION!!!!! NEW LOCATION!!!!! SAN ANTONIO BAR