
Great moment’s in Hook up history
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So I was out at the bar with friends when I got a call from Bert, a guy that I met a few months prior. We only hung out once and our phone conversations dwindled over time, but nonetheless, I was happy to hear from him. As per usual, I addressed him by his middle name, Drew, and told him I’d call him back once I left the bar. When I arrived home, I was excited to
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Chappelle’s Show Get More: Comedy Central,Funny Videos,Funny TV Shows
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So I’m going out to dinner with a guy that I had been talking to for a few weeks. The date started off kind of rocky because as we arrived to the restaurant, he walked in front of me without holding the door [OH HELL NO! Definitely NOT the gentleman that I expected].  At that point, my blood began to boil because I do believe in chivalry, but I tried to give him the benefit
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