The Blog

So, I’ve jumped on the bandwagon with regard to this Ray Rice situation [as if you aren’t sick of talking, hearing, or reading about it]. Being the non-expert dater that I am who happens to blog about dating and relationships, I’ve been asked my opinion….Like to hear it? Here it go! [Google Calhoun Tubbs if you don’t understand that last reference.] Anyway, I have mixed emotions about the whole situation. I was shocked and appalled after having watched
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Make Out Monday Song of the Day: Everytime by Coko
The Blog
So I was giving my mom’s friend a ride and he said to me “How come you’re not married? You should be married by now.” I couldn’t help but feel rather annoyed because I’m so sick of having this conversation with people and I was even more pissed that he, of all people, was giving me the third degree. Why? Because he’s NOT even married! As a woman WELL over the age of 25, I understand
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