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Booty Shots

So I got reconnected with a woman that I’ll call Lady Q (we initially met in 2009) through a mutual friend last year.  I found out that she had been inquiring about me to our friend (SCORE!) and shortly after being re-introduced, we started to date.  Lady Q told me she was divorced and lived with her mother about an hour or so away from me, so I’d drive out to see her about 3-4 times a week.  We REALLY hit it off and, by our 2nd date, our relationship became physical.

After a few weeks of hanging out, Lady Q told me she had a confession.  I’m thinking to myself “Oh sh!t, she’s pregnant!” and immediately started to panic.  The good thing is she was not pregnant (woo hoo!).  HOWEVER, she revealed to me that she was indeed still married and, to make matters worse, she still lived with her husband in the same house that I was picking her up from!!!!!  WTF! I was outraged and exclaimed to Lady Q  how much danger she put me in. What if her husband found out about me or saw us together? What if her husband was following her? What if her husband had a GUN?

I cut Lady Q off completely, but of course, she didn’t want things to end and had the audacity to say that she was in love with me. o_0 I told her that when her divorce was final, maybe we could talk but then again…HELL NO!!!! I stopped responding to any of her attempts to contact me until she sent me a message a few months later in December saying her husband put her in the hospital because he received an anonymous letter with suggestive pictures of her. Apparently, this chick was having affairs with multiple men and her husband somehow saw a picture of me in her phone automatically assuming that I sent the anonymous letter (I didn’t). FML!

Fast forward to New Year’s morning….It’s 3am, I’m inebriated and walking to my apartment when I suddenly hear someone get out of a vehicle behind me. I took a quick glance back and saw the person pull out gun…..It was Lady Q’s husband! WTF!!!!  My instincts kicked in and I immediately started running and then barrage of shots rang out.  Fortunately, he was shooting in the air and not directly at me (thank GOD!) and I made it to my apartment bullet free.

One woman’s lie about her marital status almost cost me my life and, the sad this is, Lady Q still stalks me on Facebook and tries to contacts me to this day – I don’t respond at all.

The moral of the story is that if you decide to start a relationship with someone, ask if they have a significant other or married.  If they claim to be separated or divorced, ask to see official paperwork because going in blindly and easily trusting this woman almost put me six feet underground.


Mr. Thank God I’m Alive

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