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dating online concept: online dating website on a laptop screen. Screen graphics are made up.

So I matched with this guy on an online dating site. We chatted for a few days online and eventually exchanged numbers. The conversation went well and he made mention of us getting together in the very near future. I was down to go on a date with him, but I wanted to video chat with him first to make certain he matched his pictures. [Ain’t nobody got time to be catfished! Lol]

He looked as good as his pictures….his haircut was fresh, lips were awfully juicy and not chapped [chapped lips are such a turn off], and his personality was spot on, but something happened that changed EVERYTHING: he laughed really really HARD at something that I said [hey, I’m funny as sh**! lol] exposing his offensive teeth. [NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!].

Bad teeth smoker


His teeth were all over the place and it was a wrap for me at that point. Sorry,  I’m shallow [sort of!] and can’t get with a yuck mouth. Now I see why he didn’t smile in any of his pictures. Smh!
Young student woman at desk sad into tears with computer


Holla at me when you get braces

How would you have handled this situation? Would you have gone out with him? Was she too shallow? Would you have mentioned to him that his teeth were an issue?

Comment below! Email your relationship & bad date stories to

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