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Young student woman at desk sad into tears with computer

So I was tired, kinda sad, and a little unmotivated which is why no blogs have been posted since July. Terrible right? The stress of working like crazy in addition to having a couple of friends suffer major, unexpected health issues AND moving [I hate moving] took its toll on me. I was not in the best of spirits and definitely NOT a joy to be around [ask my mom…no seriously, ask her lol].

So I did what any halfway sane person would do and took a much needed mental health break.  Forgive me! [Actually, I’m not sorry for taking care of me! lol]

sorry not sorry

Anyway after being somewhat re-energized, we are back to our regularly scheduled program…well blogging that is. So check us out and tell a friend or five about this awesome site and also stay tuned for our upcoming events.

As a reminder, is a platform for you to ask questions and/or vent about your relationships and bad dating experiences. Email your stories and questions to and be certain to SHARE and comment on our weekly blog posts.

Thanks for your support!

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