So once I cut a person off, it’s usually for good, but on this particular occasion, I gave some a second chance. This dude reneged on an invitation to a Lauryn Hill concert [read more HERE] and I didn’t appreciate that not one bit so much so that I completely cut dude off…Blocked him from calling and texting me altogether [Thanks iPhone]
Anyway after almost one year of not talking to the guy, he called me on my phone from a different number [his job phone apparently]. I didn’t know who it was at first, but once he said his name, I laughed hysterically and hung up the phone. [Petty right?]
Well, he called back, apologized profusely, and asked to make it up to me. He said I left a major impression on him and that it should count for something that he was reaching out to me after all this time. [I guess]. I agreed to go on a dinner date with him after some serious coaxing and told him not to f*** mess it up this time around since he was already on thin ice. He agreed to get it together, but, unfortunately, this dude was LATE picking me up (30+ minutes actually), so I was super annoyed and was prepared to cancel the date, but I sucked it up. The date was OK [once I got some food in my system], but I was still on edge because of how he left me hanging previously.
He called me a few days after our date to ask me what I was doing and I let him know that I was going to getting ready to grab dinner. He asked me what I was planning to eat and I told him that I was going to get whole crabs because I hadn’t had any in a while and that I really wanted some because I preferred the flavor of whole crabs over crab legs [Maryland girls love us some crabs!].
He asked me to come to his place instead [I’d been there before, so it wasn’t a big deal for me to go to his house] and said that he would get the crabs at a spot near his home. I accepted his invitation and told him I would bring a couple of bottles wine [I don’t like to go places empty handed] and asked him to grab some french fries to go with the crabs. Some people like to melted butter with their crabs, but I have to have a special sauce with mine. So I asked him if he had some mayonnaise, ketchup, and Old Bay seasoning to make my sauce because, if not, I would bring those items. He told me not to worry about it and that he’d just grab the stuff while he was out getting the crabs.
I was looking forward to a chill night with some good eats, wine, and good company and made my way to his house. I knocked on the door with my bottles of wine [and alcohol too!] and he quickly answered. We embraced in the doorway and he led me into the kitchen. I looked around and didn’t see the crabs nor did I smell them, so I assumed they were in the oven keeping warm or perhaps out back for us to eat outside. There was, however, a small brown paper lunch bag on the table, but I didn’t pay that any mind.
I asked to use his bathroom so that I could wash my hands and when I came back to the dining room, there were two plates on the table. Although it’s not a big deal, I was giving dude all kinds of side eye because most folks eat crabs on newspaper and not dainty plates. With him being also being a Maryland native, I was confused by his seemingly lack of crab etiquette. Anyway, I asked him where the crabs were because again, they were nowhere in sight and then dude grabbed the brown paper lunch bag and pulled out four crab legs – two for him and two for me – and some hush puppies. [You have got to be f***ing kidding me dude!]
It may seem petty to some, but I was PISSED because this was not at all what we discussed. I was very specific with what I wanted to eat and was actually going to get the whole crabs myself until he volunteered to do so. He could see that I was upset and tried to smooth things over.
Him: Come on and sit down and eat with me.
Me: No. This is not what we discussed. This is not what I asked for.
Him: I’m sorry. I just didn’t know what to get.
Me: Are you serious right now? What do you mean you didn’t know what to get? We talked about this and I specifically said WHOLE CRABS.
Him: Well I didn’t know how many to get.
Me: That’s why you have a phone. You could’ve called and asked me or perhaps ask the people who work there. It’s not that hard.
He walked me over to the dinner table and asked me to join him, so I told him to grab me the stuff for the sauce: mayonnaise, ketchup, and old bay…three simple ingredients…three simple ingredients that I offered to bring, but he said that he’d take care of it instead. This dude went in the bottom of that measly sandwich bag and grabbed me ONE packet of ketchup, ONE packet of tartar sauce [his rationale was that tartar sauce has mayonnaise in it, so just use that], and said “I don’t have any old bay seasoning”. It was at that point that I started to see red. MAN, I was absolutely through with this guy. Like are people really this stupid?
I grabbed my wine and went back home.
Now of course, crab legs are delicious, but again, that’s not what we discussed. So let’s rewind the tape, shall we?
Track 1. Dude blew me off when we were supposed to go to the Lauryn Hill concert…He invited me and then cancelled on me. So I stopped talking to him. [Read more HERE]
Track 2. After I had blocked him from my phone, he called me from his work phone almost one year later and asked to make things right between us….i.e. The Apology Tour.
Track 3. He invited me to dinner and was more than thirty minutes late to part one of The Apology Tour.
Track 4. Even though I said I was going to get them myself, he invited me over to his place for WHOLE crabs, but got crab legs instead when I prefaced the conversation by saying that I did not want crab legs. And then had the nerve to only have TWO crab legs like that’s going to be filling. Lol
I’m not perfect, but this dude simply cannot get right and it doesn’t help that he was already on thin ice with me although he was the one who screwed things up in the first place. It sounds stupid to be upset about crab legs, but in the context of our discussion, I feel justified. He knew what I wanted, offered to provide what I wanted [when I didn’t even ask him to do so], but tried to deliberately short change me. I find it very unsettling that he thought it was ok to disappoint me and I’m not having it.
F**k Yo Crab Legs!
P.S. Dude has been calling a texting, but I’ve been ignoring him. I think he should’ve just stayed on blocked status.
What would you do in this situation? Did she overreact? Was he wrong? Do you think they can make amends or should she go back to blocking him?
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