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Bad Coffee Date

coffee shopSo a guy asked me to dinner on Friday. Since I already had plans and I don’t want to commit lengthy amounts of time to new people, I suggested breakfast on Saturday. He got tied up with his kids in the morning so it ended up being coffee on Saturday afternoon.


Things were a bit off soon as I showed up because he didn’t shake my hand or hug or otherwise greet me. After we sat down, he says “so you’re a lawyer?” I said “yeah, I also teach some semesters”. He says “so you’re real smart or nah?” I am not sure at this point if we’re joking or what so I try to be funny and I say “well I’m not Bill Gates but I know a little bit..” To the tune of Jay Z 99 Problems. He doesn’t laugh.


I ask if he wants to order anything, he says no, so I go to the counter and order a white mocha. While waiting for my beverage, I’m wondering why things seem so awkward and consider leaving, but then I just decided to try again. So I sit down and ask how his day was. He says “it would be better if I didn’t have to wait 30 minutes for you.” At this point I’m confused, but not wanting to deal with hostility anymore, I just get up and walk out.
woman walking Later in the day, I’m going through my text messages and see that we were supposed to meet at 3. I thought we agreed to 3:30. With the last minute change from breakfast to coffee, I got confused on the time. I briefly consider apologizing but decide I don’t want to talk to anyone who handles me being late, intentional or not, the way that he did.
text message
This morning I got a message from dude saying I’ll never meet anyone so long as I’m so full of myself. He said I should stop talking about being a lawyer and places I’ve been because it’s off putting and work on respecting other people’s time.

This Date Is OVER!


I’m not responding to that shit lol


How would you have handled the situation? What would you have done differently? Should she have apologized? Did he overreact? Post your comments below!


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One Comment

  • Tabitha Mayo

    For starters, if you can’t greet me than the date os already over. But I would speak out of courtesy, asked him what’s the problem. At that time he probably would have told me he hated waiting which would have been cool. I would have apologized and then left. As far as the next morning text, I wouldn’t respond. It would be a waste of time.

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