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Repost: Three’s Company

So I met this woman while I was on a bus trip to DC from NY and we exchanged numbers…she was headed to Virginia (where she lived). After a little over three months of talking, we decided that I would visit her in VA for the weekend.

We were texting back and forth during my bus ride down from NY and as I got about 20 minutes away, she let me know that she’d be waiting for me at the bus station. I arrived as scheduled, but she wasn’t there, so I waited and waited and waited. After about 15 minutes of waiting, I texted her multiple times and got no responses. An hour went by and this chick finally showed up.
I was trying to maintain my anger so that I wouldn’t start the weekend off with more drama, so I kept my thoughts to myself. I asked to go back to her place so that I could change my clothes and drop off my bag, but without reason she stated that she did not want to go to her house yet.


Subsequently, we ended up grabbing dinner and drinks, which went fairly well, and we talked. As we were leaving the restaurant and heading to her house (which was well after midnight), she revealed that her male “best friend” was staying at her house for the night. I gave her the “do you think I am stupid?” look, and said “Why didn’t you say something earlier!!!!????” [like before I got on the bus to come see you]. She said that she didn’t think it was a big deal because it was her “best friend” and she had more than one bedroom in her house.
So, I just looked at her again because I had no words and by the time I could collect my thoughts, she had already pulled up to her house. I got out of the car and went into her house only to find out that I would be staying in the “guest room” and NOT with her while her “best friend” was staying in another room of the house. I just laughed and waited for someone to jump out and tell me that I was being pranked.
The next day I woke up hoping that the nightmare had somehow ended…It didn’t! Not only did I learn that I would not be having any one-on-one time with this girl, instead, we all would be hanging out as a threesome: the chick, the “best friend” and me. I had nowhere else to go since I wasn’t from the area and had no friends nearby to help me and made the most of my time in spite of the “best friend” being around.


Well, I ended up leaving the following morning to begin my time of no longer talking to her lol. She hit me up a couple of times after I left to find out why we stopped talking and my reply was always “ask your best friend”.
The funny thing (and blessing for me) is that this chick ended up finding out she was pregnant two months later and, SURPRISE, we never had sex. So who do you think the father is??? LOL



Mr. Third Party



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