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Is He Crazy or Nah?


So I was at this new restaurant waiting for my date to arrive. He was a little behind schedule because A) he had a bit of a distance to travel and, B) he was stuck in traffic [rush hour traffic in this town is no joke].

orange tie gray suit

Well when he finally arrived, he looked damn good and I mean DAMN GOOD. From head to toe, he was dressed to the nines AND on top of that, he smelled absolutely divine [Fellas, take notes….women LOVE a good smelling man!].


Conversation went well, food was tasty, and we really hit it off so much so that he couldn’t resist the urge to kiss me at the dinner table, which I thought was odd and flattering at the same time [I’m not really into public displays of affection, especially at a restaurant with someone I just met].


My plan was to end our date and head to a private party that was being hosted by some of my guy friends at a club nearby. I hugged my date and prepared to say goodbye, but he didn’t want the night to end. I made him aware of my plans to hang out with my guy friends at the club for a private party thinking this guy was going to turn in and go home for the night. Nope…I was wrong, as this dude decided to tag along. [Are you serious bro? lol Ah well. The more the merrier.]


Long story short, we had a great time at the club laughing, drinking, dancing, etc. and decided to make our way back to our cars [we caught a cab to the club so that we wouldn’t have to ride around looking for parking spaces].


Long story even longer…..

While in the cab, my date was being extra flirty because I was looking damn good in my red dress [or maybe his drinks were kicking in lol].  He leaned in to kiss me and out of no where, the cab driver yelled “NO NO! NOT IN MY CAB!” This REALLY annoyed my date and he went OFF on the cab driver: “You need to mind your [insert expletive] business. I don’t know when I’m going to see my woman again. [Wait, I’m your woman now?] I should kick your ass!”


The arguing went on and on and became so intense that the driver kicked both of us out of the cab. My date was still FUMING and invited the driver to get out of the car so that the two of them could square off. I tried to get my date to calm down and asked him to just drop it [hey, I didn’t know what type of weapon(s) this cab driver had on him and I had no desire to be caught in any crossfire], but he wasn’t having it.  He kicked the sh** out of the cab in his nice dress shoes [OUCH! That had to hurt!] and continued to threaten the cabbie.


Fortunately, the cab driver drove off and the arguing stopped. At that point, I stood on the side of the road and was in shock because that seemed to be the longest five minutes of my life.  I didn’t know what to make of the situation because the date went rather well overall, but the night ended very badly because I had witnessed the intense argument that could have easily escalated into something a lot worse, which is what my date actually wanted.


This date is OVER…..for now

question mark

Should I have been flattered that he was prepared to fight in the name of love or was it more about his ego? Should I head for the hills and never see him again? Can I expect that this type of anger will be directed towards me in the future?



Is He Crazy or Nah?


What would you have done in this situation? Should she give him a second chance? Would you go out with him again?

Post your comments below!


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