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Dave and Tracy

So it was few days after Christmas and I was preparing for the big day. Not my big day [I WISH], but for the union of my good friend Dave and his lovely fiance Tracy. I was excited because my childhood friend was preparing to marry his college sweetheart…the woman that I knew was just perfect for him. What can I say? I love LOVE. [Smile]
I arrived at the church happy as a clam to see so many of my friends from as far back as elementary school come together for Dave’s special day. The ceremony began and it was beautiful as expected; however, I couldn’t help but notice that someone was missing. Who? Dave’s youngest sister Jennifer. I found it really odd that she wasn’t there because Jen’s 3 year-old son was the ring-bearer. [How is your son the ring-bearer and you’re not even at the wedding? Hmmmmm…Oh well. Not my business.]
Fast Forward To The Reception
We made our way to the basement of the church for the reception and everybody’s having a good time. We were all filling our bellies when Dave’s sister Jen finally arrived….LOUD and LATE. [How do you miss the entire wedding yet stroll into the reception loud and ghet? Ghet=ghetto for you squares. lol]

Anyway, the bridal party had been giving their touching speeches to Dave and Tracy congratulating them and offering blessings to their new union and then it was Dave’s turn to take the floor. As he was thanking the crowd and praising his new wife, there was a little voice in the background. Whose was it? Dave’s nephew/ring-bearer asking to speak on the microphone. Dave kindly motioned to his nephew to wait and said “I’ll give you the microphone in a minute.” He then continued on with his speech; HOWEVER, this did NOT sit well with Dave’s sister Jen who had a meltdown of epic proportions. I mean this b**** went CRAZY! She got up from her seat, interrupted Dave and DEMANDED that he give her son the microphone. “He’s just a baby. Give my son the microphone!” Dave reiterated that he would give his nephew the microphone when he was done, but Jen was NOT having it. Would you believe that this heifer caused an outrageous scene in the church? She shouted at Dave and said “I DON’T GIVE A F*** IF IT’S YOUR WEDDING! GIVE MY MOTHER F****** SON THE MICROPHONE!” She then grabbed her 3 year-old son and stormed all the way across the room and out of the reception cursing the ENTIRE time.
The entire room went silent and everyone was in utter shock. No one and I mean no one could believe that happened. Immediately, my heart broke because I could only imagine how traumatized, embarrassed, and angry Tracy was feeling. This was her big day, her moment, two becoming one, the coming together of two families….Family! Ugh! She wasn’t even married for an hour and inherited the family from hell….well maybe not the entire family but his damn crazy @$$, inconsiderate, rude, self-centered, ghetto-fabulous sister. [SMH!] Why did this have to happen on her wedding day? I know we were in church, but it would not have bothered me not one bit if the bridesmaids went in the hallway to beat Jennifer’s @$$ because she indeed earned/deserved it. [Forgive me Father!]

Well Dave, still holding the microphone, responded in perfect Dave fashion by cracking a joke to lighten the mood and the reception continued on.

I’m happy to say that Dave and Tracy are still going strong nearly 5 years later and have a beautiful family of their own. I don’t know what the relationship is between Tracy and Dave’s family, but I definitely am hoping for the best. In my opinion, his sister should pay for them to have a do-over.

What advice would you give Dave and Tracy? What would you do if you were in their shoes? When you get married, you also marry the family. So how do you deal with your spouse’s not so pleasant family members? Let us know at


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