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So I’m on a date with a guy that I have been crushing on and the conversation is going rather well. Great jokes, chemistry…the whole nine.  I could picture us being a wonderful pair.  [Insert daydreaming music]

As dinner comes to a close, the server brings the bill and my date quickly hands over his credit card to pay the tab. We continue our delightful conversation when the server returns with a look of confusion and leans over to my date to tell him that his card was DECLINED. [HOLY SHAAAAAAAAAAT!]

My date is absolutely stunned as he tries to understand how the money somehow disappeared from his account. He calls his bank to straighten it all out and learns that his auto debits/bills were taken out of his account and that’s why he didn’t have any money. [OUCH!]

Since my date had NO MONEY, I had no choice but to offer to pay. So I reach into my purse to grab my wallet and guess what isn’t there? MY EFFIN WALLET! [FMYLIFE]. Why? Because I switched purses and my wallet somehow didn’t make the switch. [DOUBLE WHAMMY!]

As if the night couldn’t get any worse, I had to throw out a lifeline by calling my grandparents who lived near the restaurant and ask them for the money to cover the bill.  [Talk about embarrassing!]  So that we could leave the restaurant without them calling the police on us, my date handed over his driver’s license to the server as collateral.

We make our way to my grandparents’ house and before I even get all the way up the stairs to knock on the door, I hear a barrage of laughter coming from the front porch.  It was my grandparents laughing hysterically as I made my walk of shame. [I think my grandmother was in tears.]

Needless to say, that date ended on a bad note, I never talked to him again, and my grandparents clowned me for a VERY long time afterwards. Now that I think about it, that guy never even offered to pay my grandparents back.  [SMH]


Must Make Certain That I Have My Wallet With Me At ALL Times

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