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Repost: Non-Date Disaster

So I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 3 years and I was totally down in the dumps…an emotional wreck actually. I got a message on FB from a guy that I met a few years prior asking how I was doing and I let him know that things weren’t going too well due to my recent breakup. He tried to comfort me by saying the usual “Oh I’m so sorry to hear that” and “You can do better”. Our online chat ended with him asking me out in an effort to cheer me up and take my mind off of everything, but I declined his offer.


He called me shortly thereafter [I didn’t even know he still had my number because we hadn’t spoken in years] asking me out profusely and our conversation went like this:

Him: You should really let me take you out.

Me: I don’t think it’s a good idea because I’m not in the best of moods.

Him: Come on. You need to get out and not be stuck in the house depressed and all.

Me: No thanks. I don’t want to give you the impression that anything is going to happen between us.

Him: It’s not even like that. I just want to be a friend and cheer you up. That’s all.

Me: Are you sure?

Him: Of course I’m sure. What would you like to do?

Me: I just want to go some place quiet and eat. That’s all.

Him: How about Dave & Busters?

Me: Dave & Busters? That’s not my idea of a quiet place to eat sir.

Him: Ok. I’ll pick you up and we can ride down Lewisville Pike and pick out a restaurant.

Me: Ok that’s fine, BUT I just want to make certain that it is absolutely clear that nothing is going to happen between us. You’re cool and all, but I’m not feeling you in that way and plus I just got out of a relationship all of two days ago.

Him: I understand. It’s not like that. I’m just trying to be a friend.

Me: Alright, I’m just putting it out there so that there is no misunderstanding on your part.


He picked me up and we were riding down Lewisville Pike when he said “How about we go to Dave & Busters” and my level of agitation began to increase. I said “I already told you that I’m not interested in going there. I’d prefer to go some place quiet because I’m really not in the mood for a noisy crowd.


So we rode down the pike for about 20 more minutes passing SEVERAL restaurants (at least 10) and he asked me about three more times about going to Dave & Busters. [WTF!!!! I DON’T WANT TO GO TO NO DAMN DAVE AND BUSTERS FOOL!]


As he drove further down the pike, he slowed down as if he was going to stop at one of the numerous restaurants and then started talking to himself “Ooh. Maybe I should go here. Nah, nevermind…not here” and sped off…He did this about 5 times and my blood began to boil. [Shoot me now!!!!!] I’m like “Dude, can you just stop somewhere? I’m hungry. We just passed a bunch of good restaurants. You are making this WAY too complicated.


Finally, this fool pulls up to a restaurant and what restaurant did he pick? T.G.I.Fridays! [What the F***! I said I wanted to go some place quiet!] At that point, I didn’t even care anymore because I just wanted to eat. So as I was removing my seatbelt to get out of the car, this fool abruptly pulled off. [OMG!]

Me: “Dude what the heck is your problem? Where are you going?”

Him: “I think I want Ruby Tuesday instead.”

Me: “Oh my goodness! You cannot be serious! What difference does it make? They both have the same crappy food!”


I should’ve ended the (non) date at that moment, but stupid me went with him to Ruby Tuesday and absolutely EVERYTHING he did irritated the hell out of me. The way he ate, the way he drank, the way he looked at me ALL got on my last nerve, especially the way that he addressed our server. Everything was “Boss”. “Can I have another Sprite Boss? Some more napkins Boss? Thanks for the ketchup Boss. Can I another drink Boss?” I couldn’t take it anymore and said “Will you just end the sentence without calling the guy Boss? Geez!”


I had enough. So I took two bites of my food and asked the server for a to-go box. I could no longer endure being in this man’s presence and wanted to get home quick, fast, and in a hurry.


As we walked to his car, he said to me “Hey, I think I had too much to drink. Can you drive my car?” I….lost…it! “What the hell is your problem? Is your tolerance that low? You only had one drink! Why the hell wouldn’t you be mindful of your limit, especially since you are apparently a light-weight? Give me the keys!

Long story more boring, I got in his brand new sports car and FLOORED IT all the way down Lewisville Pike and he nervously yelled “Hey slow down!!!!” and then said “Ok ok…I’m not really drunk. I just wanted to see you drive my car.” [WHAT? What kind of dumb sh** is that?]

This [non] Date is OVER!


I did manage to make it home safely, Thank God, and hoped to never hear from the dude ever again, but he texted me the very next day.

Him: You are so beautiful. I’ve been liking you since 2006. I hope you let me take you out again, unless I blew it the first time.

Me: Bingo!

We didn’t go out again, but the story continues….unfortunately. FMYLife!

Stay tuned!



What The Eff Is Wrong With These Dudes?


P.S. Know when to end a (non) date. When it’s going bad, just END it! Also, be mindful of who you allow to “comfort” you, especially after a breakup! My emotions totally overshadowed my logic! 


How would you have done things differently?

Was she wrong? Was he wrong?

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