The Blog

Fresh Out

Date Night card with bokeh background

So I was invited to dinner at a restaurant in the city by a guy that I recently met. Once inside, it seemed a little too ratchet [neither one of us had actually been to this place before] and my date quickly suggested that we walk around the area to find a different restaurant. There were a number of restaurants on the same block, so it didn’t take us long to find a better spot and get seated.

We seemed to really be hitting it off when, out of nowhere, he decided to have a confession hour of sorts. He revealed that he hadn’t had sex in over a year and that his divorce was finalized the day before our date.[Holy Sh** Bro!]

Hello I Am Divorced words on a red nametag or sticker introducing you as someone whose marriage is over or ended in legal separation

I hadn’t even inquired about his past relationships nor his sex life during dinner and, at that moment, the date became awkward [I mean, this was our very first date].  He said he was single during previous conversations, but I had no idea that he was in the middle of a divorce.


Thoughtful man

Now, I wouldn’t normally have a problem with dating a divorcee, but this guy seemed like a semi-basket case. He just wouldn’t shut the f*** up  and went on and on about how she hurt him [cheated, was distant, etc.], how he was a good husband to her, and yada yada yada. [Cue sad violin solo] I tried to steer the conversation elsewhere and the date surprisingly ended on a high note thanks to me changing the subject and bringing alcohol in the mix to lighten the mood.


I could have continued to see the guy because after all, he seemed cool, but subsequent conversations with him had a bit of a negative ‘Woe Is Me’ undertone and he also admitted that he was rather self-conscious. I simply didn’t want to deal with his emotional baggage.  I’m not saying that I didn’t have my own baggage or hangups, but I didn’t have the desire to invest any time to help him “heal” or navigate his newly single life, especially with his wounds being so new and him being to fragile in my opinion.



On To The Next


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