So I was chatting with this guy online and DAAAAAAAAAMN he was fine…well at least according to his pictures he was [lol]. He was tall (about 6’4), great smile, good hair [ugh! I can’t believe I just said that] and was a bit of a snazzy dresser. As time went on, he asked for my number so that we could carry on the conversation offline to which I obliged and he texted me. [UGH!!! Why ask for my number if you’re just going to TEXT me? #PetPeeve]
Anyway, he finally decided to call, but abruptly hung up and texted me.
Him: Wow I get a google voice number though. SMH
Me: Lol. I don’t like putting my real number on the internet. Does it mean we can’t be friends anymore?
Him: Means ur number is already on the net. I just feel like when people do that, there not serious or hiding stuff.
Me: If you were a woman, you’d understand.
It got late, so I went to bed and we talked on the phone the next day. We were having good conversation, but of course he questioned why I gave him my google voice number and not my real number. I explained to him that I didn’t like putting my phone number on the internet and that, at the end of the day, the google voice number rings to the my cell phone [i.e. it’s not a big deal my man!]. Anyway later on that evening, I called him from my “real” number and we had great conversation…he was telling me about where he was from, things he liked to do, his church and how he was bothered that he missed bible study the night before and etc. Things were cool and the whole google voice (non-issue) was behind us…so I thought.
The next day rolled around and this guy called me at the butt-crack of dawn.
#1 Anyone who knows me, knows that I am NOT a morning person and,
#2 What the heck is there to talk about at some 6:30-7am? #IGNORE!
So of course, I didn’t answer because I was not in the mood nor frame of mind to even have a coherent conversation that damn early in the morning [I don’t care how fine you are. lol] He texted me saying “Is this your real number? Jeeze!” [OMG here we go again!] He called me later on that afternoon at a more decent hour and he could not put this phone number thing to rest.
Him: Is this your real number
Me: I’m not going through this with you again. Just let it go.
Him: Well I got some text from this number about a message received
Me: I don’t know what text you’re talking about. That might have been from my voicemail app letting you know your message was received, but the bottom line is you have both of my numbers
Him: Well I don’t know what is real
Me: I already told you that I have two numbers to the same phone and that I don’t like putting my real number on the internet. Besides, the google voice number is what I use for my business and the other one is my personal.
Him: Well you didn’t explain that to me before.
Me: I don’t owe you an explanation. I told you that I don’t like putting my real number on the internet. That was enough of an explanation.
Him: I don’t know who you think you’re talking to but I ain’t no gump ass n*gga.
Me: Look, at the end of the day this argument is so unnecessary because you have spoken to me on BOTH numbers. I’m done going back and forth with you about this. So you can either take it or leave it.
Him: You really must think I’m some gump ass n*gga.
Me: The fact that you are even arguing with me right now is mind-boggling! As I said before, you have both of my numbers so you can take it or leave it.
Him: Well I’m a just leave it then
Me: BYE!
And that was the end of that. This date is OVER….before it began. lol
Perhaps I missed something, but I didn’t see what the big deal was. Fellas, if your goal is to get to know a woman and you have not one but TWO numbers where she can be reached, what the f*** is the problem? What a dumbass!
And believe it or not, this dude texted me a few days later as if nothing ever happened talking some “hey! good morning.” Sir, please have several seats.
Stop Being a B****
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