So this guy slid in my DM’s to express his interest in getting to know me. I looked at his profile to size him up [i.e. make sure he wasn’t ugly, married, and didn’t have a bunch of kids] before responding. He passed the initial test, so I decided to give it a try.

Anyway, we talked on the phone and he was really cool and easy to talk to. He was a smart, hard-working entrepreneur with a lot of great things going for himself. [Hey! This could be a match!] He invited me out to dinner the following week and I accepted.
We met outside of the restaurant and he was on time [YAY!]. Once we got inside the restaurant and to our table, I could see that he was very well put together [DOUBLE YAY!]. We placed our dinner order and then picked up where our last conversation left off. This guy was indeed a talker which was kind of refreshing because I hate being the only one talking on a date.

I was fine with him carrying the conversation, but I started to notice that the more he talked, the more I could see some stuff stuck in his bottom row of teeth. Initially, I thought it was bread, but then it dawned on me that we hadn’t been served any bread (or any food at that point). I closed my eyes for a few seconds and tried to figure out what the hell all of that white stuff was on his bottom row of teeth, so I leaned in to get a closer look…IT. WAS. PLAQUE. F*CKING PLAQUE I SAID!

I was so absolutely disgusted that I wanted to end the date at that very moment, but didn’t have the balls courage to leave. I slowly started moving my glass of water and utensils all the way to my side of the table because I didn’t want to risk him grabbing anything of mine by mistake and putting it in his jizzy ass mouth. I also started to interrupt him more while he was talking and took control of the conversation to lessen the chances of any of that sh*t accidentally flying out of his mouth and onto anything near me. [Hey! He could be one of those spit talkers. *shrugs*]
Needless to say, I made sure that we NEVER went out again. A man that careless about his teeth clearly doesn’t give a f*ck care about his life or mine. I like to kiss and be kissed, and ain’t no way in 10 hells that I would EVER kiss that guy. The thought of it makes my stomach turn.
Like how can anyone walk around with their mouth like that? Does he not have mirrors? Who raised him? Can he not afford a dental plan? He probably just goes in the bathroom and waves at his toothbrush.

In his defense, his breath didn’t appear to stink, although I wasn’t trying to get close enough to find out for sure. So, perhaps he uses mouthwash only or simply brushes his teeth with his finger only. Who knows?
Dental Hygiene Matters
What would you have done in this situation? Would you have mentioned your concerns with his dental health and continue dating him? Comment below! Submit your relationship & bad date stories at
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