So I kept hearing about a popular job fair in DC [my aunt was pressuring me about it] and reluctantly decided to attend [I HATE job fairs]. Although I had a great job at the time, I thought it would be a good opportunity to explore other options since I was looking to advance my career.
Anyway, I arrived at the job fair and it was absolutely packed with a wide variety of potential employers as well as thousands upon thousands of people. I was dressed to the nines in one of my favorite suits [hey, I believe in looking the part] and, surprisingly, I stuck out like a sore thumb because a large majority of attendees were dressed in jeans, t-shirts, sweatsuits, etc. [Ummmm am I at a Wizards game or a job fair? What the f*** are these people wearing? SMH!]
I stopped by the booth of a Fortune 100 company and discussed management opportunities with one of the recruiters. The conversation started great, but I couldn’t help but notice a dreaded fellow [translation: a person wearing dreadlocks] in my peripheral vision….let’s call him T-Pain. I assumed that this person was waiting in line to talk to the recruiter, but unbeknownst to me, he was trying to get my attention by waving at me.
I gave him the “not now” nod/gesture and turned away to continue my discussion with the recruiter, but T-Pain wasn’t taking the hint. This guy shouted to me:
Excue me [Yes, he said “excue”], but you beautiful!
I gave him the “thanks! now will you please shut the f*** up” smile and tried to ignore him because, after all, I was trying to learn about a new job opportunity and his timing was totally inappropriate. [I mean hello, this is a job fair!] Mr. T-Pain just wouldn’t let up and took it one step further by walking over and standing in between me and the recruiter saying:
I ont [yes he said “ont”] mean no harm, but she’s beautiful yo.
Aye sweetheart, I’d love to take you out.
I was so embarrassed and pulled him aside to express my disappointment with his interruption of my discussion with the recruiter. I asked him to please leave me alone because I thought he was being rude. [I mean who does that at a job fair?] I tried to make my way back to the recruiter, but, unfortunately, she was talking with someone else and the line to meet with her was extremely long. [F***!]
I had had enough of that place and decided to leave. To make matters worse, as I headed to my car, there was a sea of boys men males outside of the job fair catcalling all of the women as we exited the building like it was the let out of a nightclub. Blah!

How would you have handled this situation? Was he out of line? Are job fairs a popular place to pick up women?
Comment below! Email your relationship & bad date stories to
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