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Colourful healthy salad sandwich

So I was on my lunch break minding my business trying to order me a sammich (translation: sandwich) at the local grocery store and then this chick rolled up on me (translation: she approached me while I was standing in line). She was short, thusky (translation: thick but not all the way husky, yet she was half a sandwich away from being full-blown husky) with six feet of brazilian wavy, yaky or whatever the hell you call it on her head (translation: she had a VERY long weave)…basically she wasn’t my type [she was ratchet].

long hair

The conversation started off with a simple compliment, but it was in ratchet girl fashion by her saying “Ehhhhh you got some purrrrty eyezzzzzzz!” I kept it short and said “thanks!” in an attempt to end the conversation, but she just. kept. talking.

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She then proceeded to give me her number;  however, in the process of doing so, she had an extended blink. Unfortunately, only ONE of her eyes returned from said blink because her other eye remained shut due it being stuck to the ratchet girl glue on her fake lashes, but this didn’t stop oh thusky one. She continued to talk to me with her obscured eye….Yes, she continued to talk to me with one eye shut.



This date it OVER (even though there was never going to be an actual date).




Say No To Ratchet


What would you have done in this situation? Post your comments below!

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