So I met this guy and five minutes into our first conversation he invited me go with him to see Lauryn Hill over the upcoming weekend (which was 5 days away). I was taken aback at first and actually thought he was joking because he didn’t know me from Adam, but I was VERY excited to go because A) I LOVE music and B) I had never seen Lauryn Hill perform live before. I accepted his invitation and thanked him profusely.
He wanted to get together that week (before the day of the concert), but he had caught a really bad cold and decided to hold off until he got better. Although I wanted to see him, this worked out for me because the way my [non-existent] health insurance was setup, I couldn’t afford to get sick.
We did manage to talk to each other daily on the phone and FaceTime to continue to get to know each other. I learned that he was a devoted father of one who had a very difficult upbringing (I believe his parents were addicted to drugs), but turned his life around for the better once his child was born (he was headed down the wrong path initially). We also discussed the logistics for the night of the show: what he was wearing, what time he was going to pick me up, etc.
Fast Forward to Showtime
I had gone out the night before to two events and stayed out WAYYYYYYYYYYYY too late [knowing good and hell well that I’m no spring chicken lol]. So needless to say on the day of the concert, I was DEAD tired, but I sucked it up because I was soooooo excited to see me some Lauryn Hill….Started singing some of her songs to myself and began to get ready at 5pm [hey, I move slowly when I’m tired lol]. I called my date to double check the time and he confirmed that he’d be at my place at 7pm.
6:00pm rolls around and I get a call from my date:
Him: Hey, how would you feel if I sold the tickets to the show?
Me: Why on earth would you do that? You’re joking right?
Him: Nah, see my man wants to buy them.
Me: I’m confused. Why is this even an option? Why would you give him the impression that the tickets were for sale?
Him: Well I was telling him that I was taking you to see the show and he said he’d buy them from me because he didn’t have anything planned for his girl for Valentine’s Day and he wants to do something for her. [Valentine’s Day was the day after the show.]
Me: I’m not cool with that at all, but it’s your decision. If you want to make some money, that’s on you. Just note that if you do decide to sell the tickets, you will never hear from me again.
Him: Come on. Don’t be like that! I don’t need the money. That’s just my mans. I’ll call you back and let you know what I decide.
He called back 15 minutes later.
Him: Sweetheart please don’t be mad, but I had to sell him the tickets. I’m sorry.
Me: Actually, you didn’t have to sell him the tickets at all. I’m not understanding why you would thought this was even cool. Your friend’s inability to plan better is not my problem.
Him: But that’s my mans. I know he’d do the same for me. I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you. I can take you to a nice restaurant. We can go right now. I can still pick you up at 7.
Me: No thank you. I’m not going anywhere with you.
Him: Why? You’re already getting dressed, I live right down the street and can pick you up.
Me: Nah, I’m good. I’m not interested. I can’t get with rudeness.
Him: Yeah it was rude, but that’s my mans and I’m giving you another option!
Me: Your option doesn’t include Lauryn Hill [HELLO YOU DUMB F***!]! You can’t just offer to take someone to a concert and then turn around and renege on that offer at the 11th hour as if going to dinner is some sort of consolation. You know what? I’m not even going to argue with you. Take care!
This date is OVER!
Unless Lauryn Hill was going to sing Sweetest Thing while serving me my food at this “nice restaurant”, there was no way in hell that I was going out with that guy. I was completely turned off and thought that what he did was EXTREMELY rude. He probably took somebody else and was just trying to find an excuse for me not to go.
Oh well! I went to bed and got some much needed rest. I’ll see Lauryn Hill one day… day.
Some People Have a LOT of NERVE!
P.S. I read reviews and heard from others that the show was rather disappointing, people had to wait in line to get inside because the doors didn’t open on time, and that Lauryn Hill showed up over 2 hours late. That news brought a HUGE smile to my face! #PettyButWhoCares? lol
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