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Free Lunch

african american telephonist

So I was the receptionist for a company which meant that everyone had to bypass me to get into the building. There was this guy who worked there who reminded me of Marvin from Players Club and two months went by before he built up the nerve to actually part his lips to say hello. [I was the receptionist, so I spoke to everyone.] Marvin and I gradually had more conversations as time went on.



One day as he was taking his lunch break, he asked me if i wanted him to bring me something back from this popular restaurant near the office. I gave him my number and told him to call me when he got there so I could tell him my order. There were stipulations when I gave him my number which included:

  • Only call me during work hours with regard to lunch
  • No texting because I have a boyfriend

As time progressed, we’d go to lunch occasionally as a group, Marvin included, and never one on one.

woman on screen
One day I wasn’t in a good mood when I came to work and Marvin could see that I wasn’t in the best of spirits. So he sent me a text message [I specifically said no texting!] of him making a funny face to cheer me up. As I examined the picture he sent, I noticed what appeared to be my face in the background. I zoomed in to find that he had a picture of me on his computer screen. [OMG!] I responded asking if that was me as his screensaver and he clarified that the picture that I saw was actually his background and that he had a different picture of me as his screensaver.[He requested me as a friend on Facebook previously, I accepted, and that’s how he got my photo because I’d never sent him any photos of me because texting was not something that we did.]I told him that was very weird and creepy and deleted him immediately from my Facebook page.
teen age girl shocked expression on a cell phone
Shortly after I deleted him, he texted me that evening, which so happened to be his birthday, asking me why I deleted him. I told him he was doing too much and deleted him for being so creepy. I then blocked him from my cell phone too. [Why aren’t you out celebrating your birthday instead of pressing me out about deleting you on Facebook?]


THIS DATE IS OVER! [Even though we were not at all dating!]

After all of that craziness, I changed my parking patterns, left early so that we wouldn’t cross paths in the evening, and stopped including Marvin in the group lunches. Would you believe that this dude left me a four page letter professing his love for me? I tried to avoid him but there was only but so much that I could do since I was the receptionist and had to see him everyday, not to mention, his uncle worked for the company as well and was a high ranking staff person.

love letter

Valentine’s Day came and Marvin professed his love again. I told him that he had to leave me alone because I had a man and was not interested in him. Shortly after Valentine’s Day was my birthday and I arrived to work to find a $200 Macy’s gift card from Marvin on my desk. I tried to give him the card back, but he wouldn’t take it.

gift card

He continued to do little things to impress me and I’d continue to reject him, but one day something wonderful happened: he got another job and I never saw that weirdo again.



Say No To Free Lunch


How would you have handled the situation? Would you have reported him? Would you have accepted the free lunch? Share your thoughts below!


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