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Are they thinking about me?

So this is for anyone who can use it…especially any single people out there, such as myself, who like to wonder (about past relationships) “what if?” and the one(s) who “got away”…Are they thinking about me?
It’s the answer to a question that I have from time to time and frequently annoy myself with and that answer is…

NO mu-fucka!!

miss j clutches pearls

NO they are not thinking about you!! NO they are not wondering if you are thinking about them!! They don’t care what you ate for breakfast or what song makes you think about them. You know why?!?! Because people don’t sit around and think all day about people that they CAN have but DON’T want!! When was the last time you did that shit? Never!! exactly…thanks.


And if they are in fact sitting around agonizing about someone who they can clearly have who is at the same time sitting around thinking about them, then they are masochistic and f**kin crazy so stay the f**k away from them anyway.

You wanna know what they are probably thinking about? Someone who they WANT but CAN’T HAVE who in turn AIN’T EVEN THINKING ABOUT THEM EITHER!!!! [SMH!]


It’s a vicious cycle of dumbasses thinking about other dumb asses who aren’t thinking about them.


“When will it all end?” you might ask.  F**k if I know, but I don’t think we have any control over it. I think you just have to live your life and, at some point, life will either take you to a place where you don’t think about that person who doesn’t want your ass anymore or you will just be stuck in the cycle of dumbasses.



Try not to be a dumbass.

Mr. MH


P.S. To any ladies who I have history with that ever wondered was I thinking about you, the answer is YES, but only when it was convenient for me because I’m bat shit crazy.

I’m 35…shit is becoming clear to me these days.. 😇😈


What are your thoughts on Mr. MH’s words of wisdom? Why do we focus so much on a person who does not want us or have the same feelings in return?

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