So I was in the grocery store after a long and stressful day. I apparently caught the eye of a handsome male suitor but I didn’t pay him any attention because my mind was elsewhere. Even though he could sense that I was a little agitated, he sparked a conversation with me and told a joke to lighten the mood. It worked! Our brief conversation and his positive energy were enough to take my mind off of my crazy day and, of course, he got the number.
Mr. Grocery store called a few days later and we began to have the normal preliminary chat [where are you from? what do you do? blah blah blah]. He mentioned that he just moved back to DC after having lived in a small town in the south for work. He told me how he was getting his life together which sounded great until he explained all of the things that he was lacking which included a job, a place of his own, a car, and a high school diploma [I’m sorry…WHAT?]. I immediately became silent because I was trying to take everything in and then he disclosed even more. [SMH]
Mr. Grocery store revealed that he spent his time from age 18-30 as a stripper and that he moved down south for a better stripping opportunity. [HOLD UP!!!!!! FLAG ON THE PLAY!] Now I’m not very familiar with the adult entertainment industry, but who the eff moves from a major city with thousands upon thousands of horny women to pursue stripping opportunities in a small town? That made absolutely NO sense to me. So on top of this dude’s have-nots (car, home, job, and an education), this guy also lacked common sense and business savvy. [WTF!] AND to make matters worse, he wasn’t even supporting himself while living down south. He was living off of with some woman. [I CAN’T!]
The one good thing that he had going for himself was that he didn’t have children. lol
Of course Mr. Grocery store tried to clean everything up to make himself sound more marketable by mentioning that he was getting his GED, newly saved, and growing in his walk with God [which is WONDERFUL btw]….he even invited me to his baptismal, but I was so completely turned off and had zero desire to pursue anything further with him.
I’m not into kicking a guy when he’s down or anything to that extent. I just don’t think that it’s a good idea to bring someone new into your life when you are completely at rock bottom.
I Wish Mr. Grocery Store All The Best
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