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Online Dating Disaster

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So I met this guy on and we began talking on the site. Well after about 10 messages, he asked for my phone number and I gave it to him.


From there, we talked and texted for about 2 weeks.  He sent photos during this time, but they were always just head shots or full body shots from far away. We talked about kids and I told him I didn’t have any and he stated that he didn’t have any as well.  I asked him if he had Skype or Tango so that we could video chat. He said he didn’t have either video chatting service, but suggested that we meet in person for dinner.
shocked child
Well, we met in person and OMG he was NOTHING like his profile picture or any of the pictures that he sent. His profile said he was over 6 feet tall; however, I’m 5 feet tall and we were pretty much eye to eye [LIE #1]. Clearly his pictures were old as he looked a good 10 years older in person. At that moment, I understood why he only did closed-mouth smiles in his pictures: he was missing a few teeth [LIE #2]. As if the missing teeth wasn’t bad enough, his breath reeked of cigarettes which was another lie because he said he didn’t smoke [LIE #3].
I was just like “OMG! What have I gotten myself into?” I didn’t want to be rude, so I agreed to have dinner with this guy. During our conversation, we got on the subject of kids. He told me that he actually had FOUR children [LIE #4], but wasn’t sure I was going to still talk to him since I told him I wasn’t a huge fan of kids, so he lied initially. I was like “Oh wow! Thank you for your honesty [FINALLY], but yea it sucks you felt the need to lie.”



We ended our date, I paid for my meal, and explained to him that I couldn’t see him anymore because we did not start off on the most honest terms. He said he understood and we parted ways.
Online Lies

How would you have reacted in that situation? Would you have continued the date? Would you have paid for your meal? Post your feedback below!


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