The Blog

The Homophobe

So a guy that I had been seeing off and on for a couple of months invited me on a date to see one of favorite groups in concert: Frankie Beverly and Maze. [YESSSSSSSSSSS! I love me some Maze!]

maze album
Image from


He picked me up on the night of the concert and he was looking rather delish.  [I was looking good too by the way….lol I had to throw that in there.] Anyway once we arrived to the venue, the usher escorted us to our seats and then the show began.

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Keith Sweat was the opening act and would you believe that this dude had a hype man? What slow jams R&B singer needs a hype man though? In spite of the bizarre performance by Keith Sweat, my date and I were really enjoying the show and I was just brewing with anticipation waiting for Maze to hit the stage.  Like any concert, there were a lot of latecomers to the show. So we did a lot of standing up and sitting down to allow for folks to get by to take their seats in our row.


Well Maze finally came onto the stage and the crowd went WILD, myself included. They were one song into the performance when my date aggressively tapped me on my shoulder. I thought he had to get up to go the bathroom really badly because he had this distressed look on his face, but I was mistaken.

Me: Is everything ok?

Him: Nah we gotta change seats.

Me: Change seats for what?

Him: There are two mother f*****g [insert gay expletive] sitting next to me!

Me: You’re joking right?

Him: No. I don’t want to sit next to no [insert gay expletive]!

Me: First of all, those dudes are on a date with each other and aren’t even thinking about you. You are not going to turn gay by sitting next to two gay dudes. I’m not switching seats with you.

This Date Is Over!

gay pride flag

Call me petty, but I refused to switch seats with him. In my mind it would have been rather obvious to the gay couple that we switched seats due to my date taking issue with their sexuality and I didn’t want there to be any form of a scene [I mean gay dudes do know how to fight you know?], especially at a Maze concert.  My date paid for the tickets, drove, and blah blah blah, but I thought his behavior was a bit unnecessary.  Yeah, I did risk losing my ride home and could’ve been stranded at the concert, but who cares?  All I wanted to do was enjoy the show.  I don’t understand how a gay couple who was not at all paying my date any mind and didn’t say much of anything to him beyond uttering the words “excuse me” as they made their way to their seats caused him such discomfort. Shouldn’t he have been focused on his date [ME!!!!!]?



Is It Really That Serious?


What would you have done in that situation? Would you have switched seats? Whose side are you on? Post your feedback/comments below. Please also SHARE the blog post!


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