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Phoney T

So I was on a lunch date (a first date) with a guy that I met a few days prior.  He was wearing sunglasses inside the restaurant which I thought that was kind of odd and I immediately became concerned that he was trying to cover up a lazy eye of sorts.  He took the glasses off to appease me and, thank God, his eyes were fine. [WHEW!]  He was an attractive guy, so I don’t understand why he was wearing those dumb ass sunglasses indoors.  I guess he was trying to look cool.  Who knows?

Anyway, things were going well at first, but I started to notice that he was a little ghet uncouth [I mean, we all have our faults right?].  His phone began to ring while we were eating and I assumed he was going to send the caller to voicemail….NOPE.  Not only did he take the call, but he put it on speakerphone. [For the love of GOD! You cannot be serious!]  He was on the phone with his uncle discussing a non-emergency talking about shopping [or something irrelevant to our date…I can’t remember].

My patience was growing quite thin, so I started to loudly clear my throat to give him obvious hints to wrap it up. I eventually asked him to stop talking so damn loud lower his voice and act like he had some home training, so he finally ended his call.  Once we got past the speakerphone debacle, things began to improve.

Lunch came to an end and he asked me what my plans were for the rest of the day (it was still the afternoon) and I told him I was going to run errands nearby at a department store.  He asked if he could tag along and I obliged.

It didn’t make sense for us to take two cars, so he hopped into my ride as we went to the store.  As I was driving, he placed a video call to one of his homeboys  [Can’t this wait? How much attention do you need? Am I that boring?].  Out of nowhere, he put the phone in my face and said “say hi to my mans”…I was startled and immediately karate chopped the phone away from me.

dog slap

Me: What the f***? Get that out of my face!

Him: Yo you trippin! I just wanted you to say hi to my mans.

Me: Are you crazy? First of all, I’m driving. Second of all, I don’t want to meet your friends right now.  Hell, I just met you.  Tell your friend I said BYE!

This Date Is Over!

I’m certain I turned him off at that moment and I didn’t care because the feeling was mutual. Ah well! Who does that? I guess I overreacted.


That was weird


How would you have handled that situation? Did she overreact? Do you think he was out of line? Post your feedback below!

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