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Repost: Christmas Tree


So I met this guy during the holiday season at a professional football game…my company had a private suite at the time and the guy worked at the stadium.  We exchanged numbers and spoke on the phone a few days later….the typical get-to-know-you conversations.


Anyway, he called me on a Monday and asked me out to dinner for Friday of that week.  I was looking forward to it because he seemed pretty cool UNTIL he called me a couple of hours before our date breaking our plans.  His excuse: “I gotta get my grandmother a Christmas tree.” [THE F**K ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!]

As I burst into laughter I said “A CHRISTMAS TREE? A CHRISTMAS TREE? That is by far the dumbest thing I have ever heard! Who goes out on a Friday night to get a Christmas tree?


Fellas, if you are going to break plans with someone, please come a little better than that. He could’ve just told me he wasn’t interested or at least said he was sick instead of insulting me with a BS lie about getting a Christmas Tree.  Smh



That Was THEE Dumbest Lie Ever!


P.S. About 4 months later I went to meet up with some of my girlfriends for happy hour when my friend Denise walked up and introduced me to this guy she recently met.  Who was it?  You guessed it: Mr. Mother F***** Christmas Tree. iDIED! I laughed so hard that I couldn’t contain myself. While laughing hysterically I told Denise “That’s the Christmas tree guy!” So we did what most mature women would do: We serenaded him by singing a special (and loud) rendition of ‘Oh Christmas Tree‘…He was NOT amused. [HA HA! (Nelson laugh)]










P.S.S. In subsequent conversation, I learned that he never got a Christmas tree on the night that he broke our date (as I already suspected lol)

On a serious note, Christmas Tree (although he hates when I call him that) is a pretty good guy and we are actually friends in spite of him blowing me off with a dumb @ss excuse. lol


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