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Basketball Shorts


So I was having some much needed me time on this particular weekend and decided to take a drive to one of my favorite pizza joints. While en route, I received a phone call from a guy, let’s call him Larry, that I had been getting to know via phone. His friend facilitated the introduction a few weeks prior because he thought we were a good match and asked if he could share my number…I obliged.


Anyway while on the phone, Larry asked if he could join me at the pizza place since he lived close by. I said “sure” because I thought it would be nice to finally see each other in person.


When he showed up, I was a little perplexed or, shall I say, disappointed in his appearance. No he wasn’t hideous. Just VERY rough around the edges. Let me give you an overview of his outfit. Shall we?


1. This guy had no form of a shapeup whatsoever and his hairline was similar to that of Lebron James (just cut it all off man!)

2. He had on basketball shorts

3. He was wearing flip flops with pair of tube socks

3. As if the shorts and flip flops weren’t bad enough, he also had on a t-shirt that was about 4 sizes too small

basketball-players patriotic-flip-flops

I was rather taken aback by his choice in attire. I mean come on! This was our first time meeting and that’s the best you could do? [FACEPALM] I tried not to let his shabby appearance get the best of me, made the most of our time together, and enjoyed some delicious a$$ pizza.


We spoke on the phone a few days later and Larry made mention of hanging out again. I let him know that I was open to seeing him again, but expressed that I was a little disappointed in his wardrobe selection the first time we met. As politely as I could, I explained that I hoped he would be a little more buttoned up the next time around.  Although he seemed to take my comments in stride, I could tell he wasn’t too thrilled about what I had to say. His rebuttal:


Him: “Well I was just showing you the real me. This is how I chill at home”

Me: “You have to be mindful of how the other person who you are meeting for the very first time is going to receive you. From my perspective, it looks like you don’t care about your appearance and that’s a turn off.”

Him: “Well that’s your opinion. I was just being me because it’s not all about the clothes”

Me: “I get that’s it’s not all about the clothes, but appearance matters. If this is your first time meeting someone, I would think that you’d want to somewhat impress them (visually).”


This Date Is OVER!


If the shoe was on the other foot and I had shown up in raggedy clothes with my hair all over the place (i.e. not combed), I’m certain he would have been turned off too.


Needless to say, we never went out again and, no, it wasn’t because of his appearance. lol  We simply lost touch over time, but then again, he could’ve lost interest in me for saying what I said to him. I was very open to going out with him again and made him aware of that in subsequent conversations. I just wanted to make certain that I expressed to him how I felt so that he would put a little more effort into his looks for future dates.


Ladies and gents, if you are making arrangements to meet a potential love interest for the first time, you might want to consider sprucing yourself up just a tad.



Oh Well


Did she overreact? Does appearance matter? What would you have done in this situation?

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