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Speed Date

So I met this guy online and we began to speak on the phone off and on for a couple of weeks. I had been out of town for work, so there wasn’t an immediate opportunity for us to connect face to face.  Well, I was home this particular week and the guy called to ask what I was doing that evening.  I let him know that I had a meeting when I got off and would be headed home afterwards.  He said he wanted to see me and would be wrapping up with his client [he was a personal trainer] at around 7:30pm, which happened to be around the time I expected to be done with my meeting.  We decided that we would play it by ear to be on the safe side since everything was so last minute.

My meeting ended a little before 7:30pm, so I called Fitness Guy to let him know that I was about to hop on the freeway and asked if he still wanted to meet up.  He said he was wrapping up with his client and asked that I meet him on his side of town since I had to pass that area on my route home.  I obliged.


He couldn’t think of a place to meet, so I suggested one of the restaurants that I was familiar with on his side of town.

Me: We can meet at this cool little tapas spot around your way if that’s ok with you.
Him: Fine with me because I can’t really think of any place where we can meet. Text me the address.  I didn’t work out, so I won’t be sweaty or nothing, but I’m wearing sweats from training a client.
Me: That’s cool, but keep in mind that I’m wearing dress clothes since I went straight to the meeting from work.
Him: Ok cool.
Me: Did you eat?
Him: Yeah I ate already.
Me: Well I’m going to order something before you arrive since I’ll get there before you, if you don’t mind, because I’m starving and didn’t get to eat before the meeting. 
Him: That’s cool.

I arrived at the restaurant and ordered something as soon as I was seated by the hostess because I was hungry as heck.  Fitness Guy called me and said he was a few minutes away.  By the time he arrived, which wasn’t too much later, I had already started on my food: catfish tapas.  We embraced and he was a nice, solid, tall glass of water…I could bury my head in his buff chest. [Insert heart-eye emojis.] His sweatsuit was really nice too…soft fabric and looked/felt new.

Sexy male fitness model with open sweatshirt on dark background

We began to talk and he shared that it was great to finally meet and that he thought I was beautiful [Awww shucks! Got me blushing!!!]. I offered him some of my fish, but he said he wasn’t hungry.

We had only been chatting for maybe 5 minutes max when he seemed to be distracted.

Me: Is everything ok?
Him: [Looks around] Man, I didn’t know this place was gonna be like this.
Me: Like what?
Him: You look all beautiful and I feel underdressed.
Me: You look fine and besides, I’m not bothered by what you’re wearing.
Him: I can’t be in here with all of these (white) people like this.
Me: [Confused face] Are you serious right now? Look at this chick behind you, she has on run-over sneakers and look at that guy’s outfit over there. This is a chill spot. Seriously, you look fine.
Him: I don’t feel comfortable, so I gotta go.

And. He. LEFT. This MFer got up, hugged me, and left. LOL!!!!!




He didn’t even have the decency to stick around for another 5-10 minutes to wait for me to finish my food or walk me to my car.  It’s not like I was expecting him to pay for my [$13] meal.  Now I can understand him being uncomfortable just a tad because he wasn’t on his perceived “A” game, but people were dressed all kinds of ways in the restaurant from suits to jeans. Hell, even the restaurant manager was wearing a flannel shirt, sneakers, and jeans and the servers wore t-shirts, so it’s not like this place was the Palm restaurant.  I think he should’ve just sucked it up, especially since I already told him what I was wearing [actually, we both discussed our attire ahead of time] and coupled with the fact that I took the time to come to a location that was closest to him when I could’ve just gone home. It’s not like he even suggested a place for us to meet in the first place and, with him living on that side of town, he could’ve made a quick stop at his house to change clothes.


Now, I’m turned off and don’t know if I really want to see him again. As far as I’m concerned, he should have been focused on me and our interaction/connection without letting outside factors interrupt our date, meet up, or whatever the hell it was. lol  Nobody, besides me, was paying him any mind.

Am I being insensitive or is he too sensitive?  Maybe he thought I was ugly.  Lol I probably won’t call him anymore.



What’s A Girl To Do?

What would you do in this situation? Would you let his sudden departure slide and continue to try to get to know him or cut him off completely?  Did he overreact? Was she too insensitive?

Comment below! Submit your relationship & bad date stories to

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