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So I used to be a manager for a large retailer and, at that time, I interviewed a woman, let’s call her Jen, because I needed more staff for the increasing workload. I casually mentioned that we lived in the same city during the interview to break the ice and then went over her credentials. She seemed qualified, so I hired her.

Young businesswoman at the hiring interview in the office

Jen was a great asset to my team and I had grown to respect her for her dedication and determination during the 2 years that we worked together.

Well, I decided to leave the company because it was no longer a good fit.  I gave senior management my two weeks notice, but didn’t tell my staff because I don’t like goodbyes. Since everyone on my team had my phone number, I got a few phone calls over the next few days from everyone, including Jen, because they were shocked about my departure. Jen mentioned that she wanted to see me, but I dismissed it.

One day I met up with a former colleague, Charlie, and he mentioned that Jen asked about me.  He also said that she lost some weight and was looking good [Oh yeah?]. The next time Jen called me, I invited her to see a movie and she accepted with excitement.  She looked much better than when I was working with her.  She kept staring at me throughout the night, which was kind of odd, but we had fun.


Two days later, I invited her to watch movie at my place, which was actually my friend’s place because I didn’t want her to know where I lived.  I picked her up and drove the long way so she wouldn’t be able to tell where the house was located.  We got in the bed, but didn’t even get through the opening credits of the movie. [Bom Chicka Wah Wah]

Afterwards, we discussed what happened. I told her previously that I wasn’t looking for anything serious  and she said we could see each other casually without a relationship. So I asked “Are you ok with having a friendship with just sex?” She said she wanted more, but that she was ok with it.  We had several more encounters, but then I started a new job, which limited our casual time together.  Jen wasn’t too happy about that and started asking me a bunch of questions.

I was off from work for two days, but didn’t feel like being bothered by anyone [I was going through some things] and cut my phone off completely.  I started feeling better by the second day until I heard my house alarm going off. [What the f***?] I grabbed a machete that was under my bed, and ran into the living room where I found Jen standing there in distress.


Me: “What the f**k are you doing here?”
Her: “Aren’t you going to turn the alarm off?”
Me: “It depends.”
Her: “I haven’t heard anything from you in over a day and I tried reaching you several times to no avail. I was worried and wanted to see if you were ok.”
Me: “I appreciate your concern. I’m ok and just wanted some alone time, so at some point I turned my phone off.”
Her: “I was knocking at the door really hard and since you didn’t answer, I came through the back door” [which was unlocked because I forgot to lock it after I grilled in the backyard.]

This Date Is Over!

She started looking around and said that a friend told her that I was probably married with kids.  I reminded her that our arrangement was about sex and that it was none of her concern.  [I didn’t promise her any dreams…she knew what this was and no, I wasn’t married or anything like that.]  I never brought her to my house before that, so I was surprised that she found out where I lived.  I asked her how she found out my address and she said that she did some research based on me telling her that we lived in the same city two years prior when I interviewed her.

This Date Is Over…AGAIN!

I asked her to leave, but she refused because she was “concerned”, so I picked her up, opened the front door, put her down outside, and said “have a nice day.”  Then I shut the door in her face and made certain all of my doors were locked.



I don’t need a stalker


How would you have handled the situation? Do you think she was a stalker or genuinely concerned? Did he lead her on? Have you ever dated a coworker? Post your comments below!

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