So I decided to try out a dating app to test the waters. I’m a silly person to the core, so I made certain to include some banter about the importance of nice (well, decent) teeth in an effort to avoid matching with a yuckmouth [i.e. a person with really bad teeth]. I perused some profiles and came across this one guy who was very attractive; however, I couldn’t gauge how his teeth were going to look because his mouth was closed in all of his pictures [Red Flag], but I decided to put those fears aside, swiped right, and BOOM….it was a match! We chatted on the app…
So I matched with this guy on an online dating site. We chatted for a few days online and eventually exchanged numbers. The conversation went well and he made mention of us getting together in the very near future. I was down to go on a date with him, but I wanted to video chat with him first to make certain he matched his pictures. [Ain’t nobody got time to be catfished! Lol] He looked as good as his pictures….his haircut was fresh, lips were awfully juicy and not chapped [chapped lips are such a turn off], and his personality was spot on, but something happened that changed EVERYTHING: he…
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