• The Blog

    1 Bar, 2 Fools

    So I was at the bar with a group of friends when I felt someone squeezing on my side. It caught me totally off guard because I was in the middle of a conversation with one of my homegirls and knew it wasn’t her grabbing me on my love handles.  I turned my chair around to see who touched me and it was some guy who was sitting in the stool right next to me at the bar. Me: Ummmmm…why are you touching me? Can I help you with something? Him: Oh, I just wanted to get your attention to talk to you. Me: My attention? Are you kidding me right now? You’re…

  • The Blog

    Nothing But Drama

    So one day I was playing around on Facebook and saw a man, let’s call him Sly, who I found attractive and started to flirt. I let him know that, although I found him attractive, I had a girlfriend at the time and not really looking for anything too serious. He asked me to lunch and I accepted his offer so that we could get to know each other. At lunch, he told me everything about his life such as him being a single father [found out that was a lie] to how he became a respectable public servant. Our date lasted for a few hours…we laughed, talked, and really…

  • The Blog


    So, I had been seeing this guy for a few months and things were pretty cool between us…We talked and saw each other often…really enjoyed each other’s company…all of that good stuff. Out of nowhere, our communication completely fell off for about a month or so.  We were entrepreneurs and both of us had been on travel for various projects at that time, so I assumed he was super busy. I tried to maintain contact and reached out to him a number of times to no avail.  I eventually fell back because I assumed that he wasn’t interested since he was unresponsive. I received a text message from him out of blue stating that…

  • The Blog


    So I met this guy through a mutual friend and we really hit it off. We dated for a few weeks and all seemed pretty well, as we were in the ‘get-to-know-you’ phase. Well this one particular weekend, I spent most of my Saturday running errands and washing clothes at my favorite laundromat on Brown Street because, me being the procrastinator that I am, I waited til my clothes piled up and was on my last pair of underwear to actually do my laundry. Lol Once I got home (late afternoon/early evening), I decided to call my new friend to see if we could link up later on that evening…

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