So I met this guy one night while I was at a bar with some of my friends. I liked his vibe and we exchanged numbers before I left to go home. We talked on the phone a few days later after I had gotten off from work and it just so happened that my project site was close to his office [Sweet!]. We decided to get together that same night after my project at a
So I was invited to dinner at a restaurant in the city by a guy that I recently met. Once inside, it seemed a little too ratchet [neither one of us had actually been to this place before] and my date quickly suggested that we walk around the area to find a different restaurant. There were a number of restaurants on the same block, so it didn’t take us long to find a better spot and get seated. We seemed
So have you ever gone on a date with someone that sucked the life out of the entire room? Perhaps he/she was a Debbie Downer, rubbed you the wrong way, or just killed the moment? Well, we call these people BUZZKILLS. Now I’m certain we’ve all had our very own buzzkill moments and here are some suggestions on how NOT to be a buzzkill on future dates. Don’t bring up a bunch of sh*t that nobody
Weird Deal Breakers: this guy once told me that he wouldn’t date a chick who looked like her father. Do you have any weird deal breakers?