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The Interrogator

So I’m not a fan of hookups, but a friend of mine insisted that I meet one of her coworkers who was apparently smitten with me due to pictures he had seen of her and I online via her social media page. I agreed to do a quick meet and greet at their office party. [I wanted to make certain he wasn’t ugly…Shallow, yes. Sue me!] He seemed cool and was attractive, but not very tall [not a deal-breaker]. We exchanged numbers and kept in touch after the party. We discussed our past relationships, parental status, dating life, etc. and it seemed as if we both had similar relationship goals.

Closeup of a personal calendar setting an important date representing a time schedule. The words Dinner written on a white notebook to remind you an important appointment.

He asked me out on a date and we agreed that the coming Monday evening at 6:30pm worked best for our schedules. Monday arrived and I called him at around 3:00pm to determine if we were still on. He called me back a little after 5:00pm to let me know that, unfortunately, he had to work late and would no longer be available. I was disappointed, but took it with a grain of salt because sh*t happens.

Me: That’s fine. I understand. We’ll just have to make arrangements to get together on another day.
Him: Well let’s do tomorrow.
Me: I can’t do tomorrow.
Him: Why not?
Me: I already have plans so tomorrow doesn’t work for me. Sorry.
Him: Who are you going out with tomorrow?
Me: Excuse me?
Him: Who are you going out with tomorrow?
Me: That’s really not your business.
Him: Sounds like you’re going on a date with some dude.
Me: It’s really not your place to be questioning what I’m doing or who I may be doing it with.
Him: Well, I need to know who my competition is.
Me: Your only competition is you. I told you I have plans tomorrow, so you need to leave it at that. You and I set our date for Monday for a reason…because that’s when both of our schedules aligned. You cancelled soooo….


Frau verrgert am Telefon

I was instantly turned off by the guy for being so concerned with who I was supposedly going out with [NEWSFLASH: You are not my man and I can go out with whoever the hell I want without reporting that information to you!] versus trying to actually reschedule the date for a day and time that worked for the both of us. So I ended the conversation with him and I completely lost interest.

Fast forward one week later

The interrogator guy called me and I wasn’t really in the mood to talk to him, but figured this conversation would serve as a final reminder to him that I was no longer interested. He asked me how my Christmas [the holiday was a few days prior] and I let him know that I had a nice holiday with family.

Him: Glad you enjoyed your holiday with family and all of that, but when are we going to get up?
Me: I’m going to be honest with you, you really rubbed me the wrong way the last time we spoke, so I’m not interested in us getting together.
Him: Why?
Me: I don’t appreciate you questioning me after YOU cancelled our date. You overstepped your bounds and we’re not at a stage for you to be questioning me.
Him: Oh that. Oh I was just playing with you.
Me: Bullshit. You and I both know you weren’t playing because you kept pressing the issue.
Him: Nah I was. I was. So how was your Christmas?
Me: I just told you how my Christmas was.
Him: Well what did you get?
Me: Surprisingly, I got a bunch of cool stuff: a couple of coats, some makeup, shoes, etc.
Him: Who bought you the shoes?
Me: Huh? Why does it matter who bought me my shoes?
Him: That sounds like a boyfriend gift.
Me: Here we go again. Overstepping your bounds once again.

Farewell for good!  The shoes came from my mom by the way.


Question Deez!


What would you have done in this situation? Did she overreact? Was he too pushy? Should he have minded his business? At what stage are you cool with a person questioning your whereabouts, who you’re going out with, etc.?

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