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Them Walls

So I met this guy and he was FINE…tall…dark…handsome…dapper. We talked on the phone a few times and I learned that he was a motivational speaker who toured with the great Tony Robbins. I absolutely melted because I was just in awe of his profession….dedicating his time to uplift the lives of others.

Anyway, we were trying to arrange our official first date but our schedules didn’t seem to mesh. He called me on a Friday evening and asked me out, but I was in the middle of working on an art project for a client that required a considerable amount of time for completion. So, he asked if he could stop by my place for a little while. I obliged.

He came over and I was all googly-eyed admiring his fineness. lol The conversation was going great and we were really hitting it off. As I was putting the last little bits of paint and other finishing touches on my project, he walked up behind me to get a closer look (so I thought) and said

“I know you want me to get up inside them walls.” 

I sat there confused and said “WHAT?” and he said:

“You know you want me to get inside them walls.”








<—-“them walls”




I shook my head and said “You cannot be serious! That is by far the dumbest thing that I have ever heard. It’s time for you to leave.” I tried to keep a straight face, but I laughed hysterically as he pleaded with me not to throw him out….I was so NOT moved by his apologies. This date is OVER!

Come on now! How are you supposed to be a motivational speaker (with Tony Robbins I might add) and you can’t even motivate a woman out of her panties? I’m not saying that he would’ve gotten some from me. I just expected better. SMH…What a pathetic LOSER!

A word to the wise, if you’re going to jump out there with a sexual advance/comment, at least be engaged in some sort of amorous touching, kissing, or something before putting yourself out there.


Not In These Walls

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