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VA Guy

So I was on my way to an event in DC when I had gotten a phone call from a guy that I met a couple of days prior. Less than five minutes into the conversation, he started telling me that he doesn’t like dating in the DC area because the women are this and that [I don’t remember exactly what he said because I started to tune him out] and how he misses dating in the south. He continued to tell me all about his dating frustrations and also shared that he was twice divorced at 30 years-old. [what the f***!].

Beautiful girl shooting at her head with hand gun

He gave me the whole “I’m a good catch because I work and have my own place” spiel [*Insert eye roll! Yes, let’s give this man a round of applause for obtaining shit that most 30+ year olds are supposed to have. Am I the only one who hates to hear people boast about basic shit?]

I asked him “What were you hoping to gain by telling me all of this? You’ve gone on and on about how you dislike the women in this area, your disdain for dating, and blah blah blah…Was this information supposed to turn me on or make me more interested in you?” I shared with him that A) I’m from the DC area with a lot of great things going for myself as well as the women that I know [of course there are bad apples everywhere, but I’m not going to let some random person paint women in my area with the same brush stroke] and B) I don’t care I didn’t ask. [Something about me must give men some sort of therapist vibe because they seem to want to tell me all of their problems without warrant.]

Anyway, I politely suggested that he consider moving back to the south and also pointed out that the women in DC can’t be too bad since the two he married weren’t from this area. [It had to be said. Sorry. Lol]

He tried to lighten the mood by talking about how he had been learning how to cook [I love a man in the kitchen], but I was mildly impressed because he rubbed me the wrong way with his relentless disdain for dating [why did you ask me for my number again?] and stereotypes as if he’s so f***in special.

md flag

Since he had only been in the area for a few months, he was curious to know where I resided and I let him know that I lived in Maryland. He then went on a diatribe about how Maryland is so far because he lives in Virginia. I let him know that we only lived 25 minutes from each other, but his rant continued. [Geez Louise this dude complains about everything!]. He said “we’d have to meet in the middle in DC if we ever go out.” My mental response was “I don’t see us every going out”, but what I actually said was “OK”. I wasn’t putting too much stock into this guy because he just kept digging his hole deeper and deeper by not shutting the f*** up.

I let him know that I was close to reaching my destination and that we would speak later [although I had no intentions of calling him…ever]. He blurted out, “well let’s get together tonight.”  [Ummmmmmmmm what?] I didn’t think the conversation had gone that well and assumed he could sense my dissatisfaction during the call, but I humored the guy.
Woman talking on the phone

Me: Get together where?
Him: Well you can come to my house.
Me: That’s not going down
Him: Come on. I’ll cook you dinner.
Me: No thanks. I’m not coming to your house. I don’t even know you. Besides I’m in DC and didn’t you just say that DC was a midpoint? I’m not coming to Virginia.
Him: I don’t feel like driving to DC. Just come to Virginia we can meet somewhere out here. I’m right by pentagon city which is right next to DC and you’re already so close.
Me: You must be hard of hearing because I’m not driving to Virginia. I can’t help you.
Him: You know what? I was going to cook salmon for you and now I’m not going to cook you anything.
Me: So?
Him: Well call me after you’re done at your event.
Me: Yeah…right.




Boy Bye!


How would you have handled the situation? Would you have bothered to entertain the conversation? Would you have met him in Virginia?

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