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Not All Black Men Fit The Stereotype

So, I met a really nice guy on a dating site. I wasn’t as physically attracted to him as he was to me, but his great qualities and height (6’4) allowed me to overlook his not so attractive face. Besides, I heard from a few friends that ugly men usually have great sex [lol Terrible I know!].

We went out on a couple of dates and all went well. We had a lot in common and were both looking for the same thing: a healthy relationship that would lead to marriage.

On the third date, I spent the night at his place.   We kissed and he was pretty bad at it, but I didn’t let that deter me.  Before we did the obvious, I decided to reach down below to feel what he was working with and, to my horror, I think my pinky finger was probably bigger than his penis.

Ok maybe I’m being a little sarcastic, but I will say that was my first time seeing such an incredibly small penis. Never would I have expected that from a tall black man. I was truly disappointed.

I still had sex with him because I felt obligated at that point since we were already kissing passionately and halfway undressed.  I guess you can say I took one for the team.  I should’ve said my period started or said something else that could’ve stopped it from happening.  Anyway one minute later, he was done.  Yep, he came. The whole experience was flat out bad.


I was going to leave right after that 60 seconds of displeasure, but I ended up sticking it out and staying until the following morning because I felt bad for him. Again, he was a great guy with great qualities, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to go on with him.

I didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth because I didn’t want him to feel bad.  So, I naturally became distant for the next few days…wasn’t reaching out to him and my level of interest obviously changed.

I finally got the nerve to tell him that I needed some space. I blamed it on myself and gave him reasons that had nothing to do with him. I just didn’t want to hurt his feelings.

Fast forward months later and he still reaches out to me. I feel bad that I lost interest because, aside from the bad sex, he would’ve been a great catch. I just know that there’s no way I would ever be sexually satisfied with him. I hope he finds a woman that can deal with his very very small penis and horrible kisses. Unfortunately, that woman just couldn’t be me.



Great Qualities Aren’t Enough If You Can’t F***

How would you have reacted in that situation? Would you have been able to have sex with him after seeing that his penis was so small? Should she have told him the truth? Should she have given him another try? Post your feedback below!

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