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Bosom Buddies


So a guy that I dated a few years prior resurfaced and we clicked instantly. It was like old times, but 1000 times better. We both picked up a little weight in between time, but that didn’t stop us from rekindling the flame.  Anyway, we were inseparable…talked to each other all of the time, went on wonderful dates…we were both smitten and I was soaking up all of those loving feelings.


One night, he was dropping me off at home after an amazing date and he planted a kiss on me that completely took my breath away. It was magical and at that point, there was no turning back. We couldn’t keep our hands off of each other and off to the bedroom we went. I was a ball of emotions – excited, nervous, scared, intrigued – because we had never gone that far before. We were like two teenagers as we kissed and kissed some more in between the both of us taking off our clothes. He knew all of the right spots and I was on cloud nine…that’s until he got on top of me. Size was an issue.

beauty girl cry on black background

No, I’m not talking about his penis size because that thing was massively GREAT.  Apparently, the weight gain caused my man to sprout some breasts not training bra breasts, but c-cup breasts and I was completely unprepared for that. He got on top of me and as he was riding me, his breasts were bouncing everywhere and it freaked me out. I CRIED. No seriously, I started to cry and said “I can’t do this.”

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In his mind, he thought that I couldn’t go on because it was too soon, but in reality, it was his breasts. I couldn’t focus. [Vomit!] To be fair, I tried to overlook his bosoms and continued to see him for a while. I just made certain I was on top or he was hitting it from the back because I couldn’t deal with the thought of seeing those jugs bouncing up and down.


Fast forward a couple of months

Front view of an overweight, middle-aged man naked from the waist up.

Stick figure sex icon, doggystyle.

I was still hanging in there and continued to date this guy. After all, I really liked him.  Well we were both in the mood and it was ON! I mean all the way ON! I mean his neighbors heard everything ON. I mean order a new headboard because we’re about to break it ON! This dude was giving it to me so damn good that I had to look back at it…BIG MISTAKE! I turned my head to look back at this dude and that’s when I saw him cupping/grabbing his breasts like a damn woman. [What the F*** man!!!! What you won’t do is f*** my brains out while holding on to your breasts! That’s not hot!] That took the wind right out of my sails.


I am sick!

I don’t want no damn bosom buddy!


P.S. We stopped seeing each other shortly after that breast cupping incident for other unrelated issues.


How would you have handled this situation? Would his breasts have bothered you? What is something your partner has done to completely turn you off in the bedroom?

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