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Clean Up, Man

So I’ve been in an exclusive relationship with a guy for about 5 months now and things are going well for the most part. With the exception of our regular dates and gym time, we spend a lot of time at each other’s places….Actually, we spend most of the time at my place because I do most of the cooking and he likes the way I throw down. lol

Anyway, I enjoy cooking and fixing my man’s plate because I want everything to look and taste perfect, especially if it’s something coming out of my kitchen.

When I started cooking for him in the beginning, he was very helpful with the dishes and such, which I appreciated, but now the help is few and far between. He’s even gotten lazy overall with cleaning up after himself and it has started to get on my nerves.

Well, I decided to call him up a few days ago after work to express how I felt about the situation. I thought he would be receptive to it, but NOPE, I was terribly wrong. I said to him:

Me: Hey babe! I wanted to run something by you real quick.

Him: Sure, what’s up?

Me: Well, we spend a lot of time at my place and I’d really appreciate if you’d help out a little more while you’re here. Ya know?

Him: What are you talking about?

Me: Well, when I cook, it would be nice if you got the dishes more often and also picked up after yourself. Sometimes you leave cups and bowls in the living room and my bedroom…dirty clothes on the floor.

Him: I can’t believe you’re saying this to me like I’m some nasty person!  I’m really hurt by this. I’m not dirty!!!

Me: [Insert confused face] Hurt? Are you serious? I’m not trying to hurt you at all. I just want you to clean up after yourself.

Him: So you’re calling me dirty now? That’s messed up.

Me: No, I’m not calling you dirty! [Are you f***ing kidding me right now????]

This date relationship is OVER!

So, he went on this tirade about him not being dirty, continued to accuse me of calling him dirty, and the conversation became absolutely draining to the point that I began to cry.

Now, I’m questioning whether or not I even want to continue being with this dude because if he’s this sensitive about cleaning up after himself, I can only imagine his reaction to something more serious. What was so wrong with what I asked him to do? I’m not a maid.



Having Second Thoughts


How would you have handled the situation? Do you think this is a red flag? Should they break up? Did he overreact? Post your comments below!

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