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The Coworker

meeting room

So, I had to go to work one day for a stinking meeting in spite of the pending snow storm thanks to my jerk of a director. As soon as the meeting ended, I got the hell out of there and hopped in my car because it was snowing like CRAZY. Apparently everyone on the face of the earth decided to leave the area at the same damn time, so the traffic was a NIGHTMARE! After sitting on the street in front of my building for close to 30 minutes, I decided to turn around and head back to my office because I didn’t want to waste any more of my time and gas sitting in traffic.

woman on phone happy

I called the lunch crew one by one [a group of my coworkers….we all went to lunch together and were five deep] to see if anyone was around because I didn’t want to sit in the office by myself, but everyone seemed to have left for the day. [NOOOOOOOO!] I made my last call to crew member, Eric, and he answered! [Hallelujah!!!! Doing a happy dance!]  I told Eric that the snow was falling down extremely hard and that the traffic was at a complete standstill. He told me not to worry because he knew a back road and that I could ride with him in his gigantic SUV with 4-wheel drive. [Thank GOD because I didn’t think my little car or my nerves were going to make it home.]

bar liquor

Eric took the back roads only to be met with nonstop traffic. [WTF!!!!!!] I suggested that he park at the nearby grocery store and that we walk to a restaurant instead to kill time. So, we bar hopped…..for 10 hours and had a ball! [Yes, 10 hours. You have no idea how bad the roads were. Seriously! Cars ran out of gas…Others spun out. Major roads including the beltway were a parking lot. It was crazy! See here.]

After having visited our third and final bar, we began to make the long walk back to Eric’s car. Would you believe that there was STILL bumper to bumper traffic at midnight and that the commute home was two hours long? [I Can’t!!!]

Winter traffic jam

Anyway, I told Eric he could stay at my house because I knew that he was exhausted from the night’s events and that it would take him at least another hour to get to his home [which wasn’t very far, but the storm made traffic unbearable]. I let him sleep in my living room and as I hugged him goodnight, the kissing started. [NOOOOOO Bad Idea!!] I cut that episode short because I wasn’t sure that I wanted to explore that type of relationship with him because A) he was my coworker , B) I had just ended my last relationship and he wasn’t officially divorced [it was in process, but not finalized], and C) we didn’t really communicate outside of the office. [F**! What did I get myself into? Pandora’s Box is now open!]

The following week, Eric invited me to lunch and I accepted because I thought that would be a good opportunity to express to him that we had gotten caught up in the moment and taken things too far with the kiss that we shared. Unfortunately, I barely got a word in during the one-hour lunch break because he talked the entire time. During his non-stop rambling, this dude mapped out a full-blown relationship for us. [OH EM GEE & WTF!]

Boring Date

This Date Is OVER!

I had the unfortunate task of telling Eric that my vision of our relationship was not at all the same as his [NOT EVEN CLOSE!] and that I preferred to keep things professional or, in other words, as they were before the snow storm i.e. continue going to lunch as the lunch crew. He claimed to be ok with it, but his bitchassness immaturity began to show shortly thereafter when he would ignore my normal salutations and storm off making a bit of a scene when he saw me in the hallway. [What grown man stomps down the hallway?] Way to keep things professional Eric!

I shouldn’t have ever let that dude stay in my house. It was just a kiss!

Beautiful girl shooting at her head with hand gun


Don’t Fraternize With Coworkers


How would you have handled the situation? Would you have invited him to your home? Would you have accepted the ride home? Share your thoughts below!


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