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So I was preparing for the launch party of my totally awesome website, [Yes, the site that you are on right now! lol] and a few of days prior to the event, I received a couple of messages from a guy on an online dating site.  After having perused his profile, I determined that there was no interest/attraction on my part and did not respond to any of his messages. I guess I could’ve humored him and simply responded “not interested”; however, I figured my lack of response would have given him a good enough hint to move on….IT DIDN’T


Well this guy somehow found my personal Facebook page where I just so happened to have posted the link to the launch party and, UNFORTUNATELY, he RSVPed to attend. [DAMN IT MAN! What kind of creep move is that?]


I didn’t know how to react to his RSVP response and considered sending him a message asking him not to attend, but decided to just let it go once I noticed that we had a mutual friend (from his Facebook profile) . Of course, I texted our mutual friend to ask her what was up with this guy.

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Fast forward to the launch and who was the first person to arrive? You guessed it! Mr. Creep. I played it cool and welcomed him to the event. After he finished signing in, he came over to me and said:

Him: Hey, are you on XYZ Dating Site

Me: *Rolls Eyes* You know I’m on there

Him: Uh uh no I didn’t….

Me: How did you hear about my event?

Him: My friend from a European trip told me about it.


At that point, my blood began to simmer because I knew this dude was a mother f***** bold-faced liar, but I maintained my composure to avoid causing a scene at my own event.  So I walked away to mix and mingle with my other guests; however, no matter where I seemed to go, this dude was only a few steps behind.  Every time I turned around, he kept asking me out and I continuously declined. I mean this guy was relentless and very annoying….so annoying and creepy that he sniffed me according to one of my friends [some friend you are for letting some dude sniff me!].


Fortunately for this guy, I wasn’t aware that he sniffed me because my back was turned and one of my guy friends, who I had put on notice before the event, pulled me away from the creep.

As the night came to a close, one of the attendees, a woman, approached me thanking me for a lovely evening and mentioned that she thought it was hilarious to have come to a launch event for a website about bad dates, especially since the weirdo with whom she had a bad date was across the room. I asked her to point out said weirdo and, of course, it was Mr. Creep.


To make matters worse and as if this story couldn’t get any longer, I got a couple of emails as soon as the event ended.  Of course they were  from the Creep asking me out AGAIN! [I mean seriously dude!  How many effin hints do you have to give a person?]


So let’s recap…shall we?


• Guy sent me messages on an online dating site expressing his interest and I never responded because I wasn’t interested.
• Guy found my Facebook page, saw an event that I posted, and RSVPed to said event.
• Guy showed up to said event, an event about a BAD DATES website at that, pretending that his friend told him about it.
• Guy followed me around said event and asked me out, but was declined several times.
• This fool sniffed me…he mother effin sniffed me! [Who the eff goes around sniffing strangers? Is that what the kids are doing these days?]
• He sent emails immediately following said event only to be declined for about the 10th time.


THIS DATE IS OVER….even though it wasn’t a date!




What would you do if you were in this situation?

Have you ever had someone be this bold and annoying with their efforts to pursue you?

Fellas, when a person tells you in no uncertain terms that they are not interested in you, at what point do you leave them the hell alone?


Miss Marie 


What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on? Share your bad date stories at

Join us for the Luv Experience Brunch and Relationship Forum on Saturday, April 26th!

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