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Don’t Be A Mitch!

So I had a little bit of a rocky first date with this guy, let’s call him Sassy Mitch. He didn’t tell me he was going to be late to our date until after I had arrived at the restaurant. [You cannot be serious!] Apparently, he locked himself out of his house and only had his phone. I told him we should reschedule so that he could get his stuff in order and because I was starving [and I’m not going to wait for you to get here…sorry!], but he insisted on coming. Mitch arrived 45 minutes late, but I was already grubbing. Fortunately and surprisingly, things ended on a high note and it was water under the bridge. [Hey…Sh*t happens!]

We kept in touch, but I started to notice that Mitch had some Carl Thomas-like tendencies, i.e. he was a little too emotional for my taste. So I gradually distanced myself because I can’t stand sassy men.  The ones who start text exchanges with snide or passive-aggressive remarks. You know the “oh I guess you’re too busy for me”, “ oh no invite?”, “you must have a man now” type of guys. [Just say hello or, better yet, pick up the damn phone and make some plans.]  He would get snippy if I didn’t respond to his texts right away during the day even after I explained to him that I was less than one month into my new job. [Yo chill! I’m new here. I can’t be on my phone like that.] I made efforts to call or video chat with him after work, but we weren’t able to connect because he was either with his young child or busy.   

We lost touch for 3 weeks or so and then Sassy Mitch messaged me out of the blue saying something along the lines of “you must really be pissed off that I was late for our first date.” [Here we go being passive-aggressive again! SMH.] I told him that I wasn’t sweating that at all and that he hadn’t heard from me because a) I had reached out to him a few times, but he never called me back and b) his constant passive-aggressive approach and assumptions were off-putting.  [If you want to get together again or to talk, just say it! Miss me with the sassiness.] He said he wanted to reconnect and I was open to it provided that he shed his Carl Thomas-like ways.


Fast forward four days…

Mitch texted me on a Friday night when I was on my way to my friend Stacy’s birthday happy hour.  He was in the for the night because he was on daddy duty and he texted me telling me not to talk to any guys at the bar and I reminded him that I was single. [Boy Bye! We only went on one date, so calm down.]

Anyway, I was having a good time at Stacy’s shindig when I got a text from this other guy that I had my eye on for bedroom purposes only [let’s call him Fantasy Bae] saying that he was gonna stop by my place on his way to work at around 11pm that night. [Uh Oh! My night just got better! Bom chicka wah ahh]  


I got home at around 10:00pm, showered, straightened up, and got ready for Fantasy Bae to arrive.  He arrived at like 11:30pm and it was ONNNNNNNNNN! He. put. my. ass. to. SLEEP!

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face reflecting on my cardio session with Fantasy Bae and went to check my phone to see if I had any messages…there were a couple from Sassy Mitch.  Apparently, he texted me a little after 11:45pm while Fantasy Bae was giving me that long stroke and his message said “let me know you got home” followed by a sassy “I guess not” text the following morning at 8:03am. [Long sigh and eye roll]

This date is OVER!

I was so over that sassy ass Mitch and his snide remarks. I started to type that I was too preoccupied with some good ole Vitamin D to answer his text, but I deleted that to spare his delicate feelings.

If we’re not a couple, I don’t have to check in with you. It’s not like he was contacting me to see if I made it home after he and I had a date. Nope! He was being nosy and I had no time for his BS.  


Know your place Mitch!

How would you have handled this situation? Did she overreact? Was she out of line? Was he out of line?

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