So the holidays are right around the corner and you’re in a bit of a quandary: “Do I buy my new love interest a gift?” The two of you haven’t been dating for very long [less than 6 months] and you don’t know if it will progress into a full-blown relationship, but you REALLY like this person, so what do you do? Of course, you are under no obligation to buy anyone a gift and there’s no guarantee that you’ll receive one in return, but I recommend getting a little something for your new love interest to show they were in your thoughts this holiday season. You gotta play to win and, in my non-expert opinion, it’ll do more harm than good if you get nothing at all. Besides, you’ve already spent money on dates (or money has been spent on you), so is it really that big of a stretch to spend a few dollars on a Christmas present? [I’m just sayin’!]
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, you might be thinking to yourself “What can I get that’s inexpensive, not too forward, but thoughtful?”
For starters, don’t overthink it.
Secondly, avoid items that are very intimate and/or have sexual connotation such as lingerie, undergarments, or sex toys.
Third of all, do your research to gauge what your love interest likes, the types of activities they are into, and if you are totally unsure, think of something very practical.
So here is a list of gift ideas that can be pulled off for under $25 that say “I like you, but I’m not sure where this is going, but I want you to know that I’m thinking about you over the holidays and if things don’t work out between us, I won’t hate myself for getting you something”.
Gift Cards
A gift card is by far the safest thing to do in my opinion. Some might think it’s thoughtless, but I think it gets the job done. I mean who doesn’t love a gift card? [Hello!] Just be certain that it’s from a store that they frequent or have expressed an interest in shopping and attach it to a hand-written note with a special message inside.
Makeup = Sephora
Electronics = Best Buy
Foodie =
Coffee/Tea = Starbucks
Fitness = GNC
Chef at heart = Sur la Table, Williams Sonoma, Bed Bath and Beyond
Music = iTunes
Can’t decide =
Although it’s challenging to find concert tickets for under $25 [especially with all of the damn service charges that are added nowadays], try purchasing tickets to an upcoming comedy show at your local improv/comedy club. You don’t have to be a big name act to be funny, so don’t be afraid to go to a show to watch a bunch of unknown comics. You can also find discounted movie passes on the various movie sites. Either option kills two birds with one stone, as you’ll be able to get your love interest a gift and score yourself another date, assuming they’ll take you as their plus one…Let’s hope they do. lol
I mean who doesn’t like wine and liquor????? Ok, not everyone drinks, but in the event your love interest likes to partake in an adult beverage every now and then, buy a bottle of their favorite wine or alcohol. [I like Bulleit bourbon in case you were wondering. Lol]
DIY Gift Baskets
Yeah, it may sound corny, but I’m a big fan of do-it-yourself gifts. Why? Because it shows that you took the time to create something unique to the recipient. Here are some baskets you might want to consider.
Hangovers happen to the best of us and, if your love interest is a happy hour or bar crawl fanatic, make them a hangover gift basket to include items such as Advil (or any pain medicine of your choice), coffee, barf bags, granola bars, etc.
It’s cheaper to drink at home than at the bar, so consider a bartender basket. Items can include a bartender shaker set, corkscrew, shot glasses, and a cocktails recipe book.
Health Nut
Perhaps your love interest is on a health kick. A healthy gift basket might do the trick with items such as whey protein, a fruit water infuser bottle, sweat towel, tuna, granola bars, etc.
Snow Kit
If you live in an area where snow is common during the winter months, a snow car gift basket might be a good and practical gift idea. It can include items such as a heated ice scraper [I have one and it is awesome!], de-icer spray, hand warmers, bottled waters, and a bag of ice melt. It may sound stupid, but this stuff really comes in handy.
To stay within budget, almost all of the DIY gifts can be found at stores such as Marshall’s, Ross, TJ Maxx, and Home Goods. is also a good resource.
Don’t be afraid to give a token of appreciation to a new love interest this holiday season. Although you can’t predict how things will turn out between the two of you, the LEAST you can do is try. So, be proactive and get to shopping while there’s still time!
Have a merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus or whatever it is that you celebrate.
The Non-Expert Dater
What are some gift ideas that you’d add to the list? What are some things that you’ve given to a new love interest in the past that worked well? What are some things that you’ve given to a new love interest that didn’t go over so well?
Comment below! Email your relationship & bad date stories to
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