Met this cute guy while walking to get my nails done he was getting into a Benz. Ok I’m thinking cute guy, Benz no wedding ring #imwinning So we go out a few times I meet him at his house btw he lived with Gma #1. He went to the bathroom and she started calling him Markie #2 I had no idea who that was because he said his name was Ricardo He overheard the conversation as his grandma began to read me passages from the Bible due to my red lipstick then comes out and hands me a license with his face and a name that I only just heard from Gma. Did I mention the fact that the entire time I was asking who is Mark??? Make a long story short I googled that random name and had the longest rap sheet for GRanD theft auto #3… I still get random calls some guy crying telling me he still loves me must I go on….Ok so I take him to a pharmacy because he begged me to ride him to get his Gma medication. So he got out with my $30 that was in my ash tray which I found out after I dropped him off#4 So I called back the next day and Gma picked up. I gave her the story of how we went to pick up her medication and before I could finish she said how much money he take baby cause Medicare pay for my medication and I only get it once a month #5 I just told her don’t worry about it but she won’t ever hear from me again and I wish her the best. Before we got off the phone she prayed for me. I probably should’ve prayed for her too she got a lot to ask God to fix with her grandson. Thank God for grandmas she was a lifesaver!! Last but not least I just couldn’t help it but to further investigate this name and why he would lie so much. Uhhhhhhhh… He was assaulted in prison and was suing the state Dude I can NOT!!! ( names were changed to protect the guilty cause he is not innocent at all he was already convicted smh)