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So a friend of mine had this grand idea that he should hook me up with one of his boys [why do people feel the need to play matchmaker with me though?]. Anyway, I spoke with his friend on the phone and  he seemed really cool. Since he lived close by, we decided to do an informal meetup for milkshakes at a local diner.


He was a little older than me (10+ years) and a little shorter than I expected, but he was a nice looking guy and great company. We hit it off and as the night ended he said that he’d really like to see me again.


Him: I wanna take you on a really nice date next Friday where you can get all dressed up.

Me: Ooooh! That sounds nice! Where?

Him: I’m not sure yet, but I’ll call you and let you know when I pick a place.

Me: Ok. Great! I’m looking forward to it.


A few days went by and I got a text message from the guy saying “How about we do the movies?”  and I was floored.  I thought to myself “The movies? The movies? You said you wanted to take me some place nice and have me get all dressed up, but your grand idea is for us to go to the movies? AND you delivered this message to me via text. You couldn’t even pick up the phone and call me! Get the f*** out of here! How are you in your 40’s and the best suggestion you have for a nice date is the movies?” Now, of course, I didn’t say any of that to him because that would’ve been rude. So I maintained my composure and sent a simple text saying “No thank you.”


This Date Is Over!



Pardon My Pettiness, But Ain’t Nothing Nice About a Movie Date


P.S. I ran into the friend who initiated the hookup, Mr. Matchmaker, and he said:


Him: It sucks that you and my boy didn’t hit it off. He told me you didn’t like him. 

Me: It’s not that I didn’t like him. I just didn’t like his idea of going to the movies. The guy told me he wanted me to get all dolled up and that he was going to take me to a nice place, but his suggestion was a movie date. 

Him: He told me you said “No thank you.”

Me: Yeah, I said no thank you to the date. Not that I didn’t like him and had he picked up the phone, he would’ve known that. 


I guess I could’ve called the guy to make peace after the conversation with the “matchmaker”, but I didn’t feel the need to do so. Perhaps my stubbornness got the best of me….perhaps. Ah well!


How would you have done things differently? Was she wrong? Was he wrong? Your thoughts?


Have any words of wisdom, crazy or unique dating stories to share? Post them to




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